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Theoretical Framework

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States that behavior is learned from the environment through the process of observational learning. Social learning theory posits that learning is a cognitive process that takes place in a social context and can occur purely through observation or direct instruction, even in the absence of motor reproduction or direct reinforcement. The theory is often been called a bridge between behaviorist and cognitive learning theories because it encompasses attention, memory and motivation. The theory strongly implies that there are types of learning wherein direct reinforcement is not the causal mechanism; rather, the so called social element can result to the development of new learning among individuals. Social Learning Theory has been useful in explaining how people can learn new things and develop new behaviors by observing other people. It is to assume, therefore, that Social Learning Theory is concerned on observational learning process among people.( Sincero, 2011 Social Learning Theory)

Bandura believed in “reciprocal determinism “that, the world and the person’s behavior is cause each other, while behaviorism essentially states that one’s environment causes one’s behavior. Bandura noted that external, environmental reinforcement was not the only factor to influence learning and behavior. He described intrinsic reinforcement as a form of internal reward, such as pride, satisfaction, and a sense of accomplishment. This emphasis on internal thoughts and cognitions helps connect learning theories to cognitive developmental theories.

While many textbooks place social learning theory with behavioral theories, Bandura himself describes his approach as a ‘social cognitive theory.’ Individuals that are observed are called models. In society students are surrounded by many influential models, such as parents within the family, friends within their peer group and teachers at school. These models provide examples of behavior to observe and imitate, e.g. masculine and feminine, pro and anti-social etc.( McLeod, S. A. (2011). Bandura – Social Learning Theory.)

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