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The City Of Crystal Falls

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            City Of Crystal provides services to several regions in the country, but lately it has encountered problems with the neighboring city council and also with the lawsuit. The City Of Crystal relies on human resource department, public works and maintenance department for its efficiency. In the recent past research has soon that the company is performing poorly since it’s not able to meet its objectives.  Research has showed that the problem is caused by inefficiency of the main departments. In addition, lack of employee motivation resulting to increased turnover is one of the major reasons of inefficiency in the company.

Statement of the problem

             As the manager of City of Crystal Falls for seventeen years it’s clear that the city is encountering several financial problems and legal related instabilities. These problems are as seen in record keeping; data analysis and managerial shortcoming since the city department are located in different regions with limited communications.

Summary of Overall Findings

            Based on the research carried in order to find out the reasons behind the problems in the City Crystal conclusions concerning different departments were made. The human resource department find out that labor turn over had increased and it causing the company to incur high costs in training the new employees. The problem concerning the increased labor turnover was also noted by the senor technician who was also involved in the research.

            The mandatory retention schedules published by national government did not seem to favor all the departments. Inefficiency arises when an employee who has worked in more than one department decides to follow retention schedules he or she is used to.  The most common retention mistake is that related to time. The mistake is too severe that it results to employee shortage in some departments.

            Financial related problems may be caused by lack quality management strategies. Ensuring quality supply of raw materials is the first step of ensuring quality standards is maintained. Low quality is associated with increase in maintenance costs and losses. The fact that an outside contactor is not reliable, the organization may find it difficult to main high quality standards.


            As the manager it’s my duty to carry out staffing, directing, planning, organizing and decision making in the organization. Since the organization is not attaining its objective and its performance is continuously declining, it’s my duty to act in the best interest of the company. The best way of doing this is by solving the already identified problems with the help of all the other departments in the organization.

  • Overall RIM Program

While analyzing the causes of the organization’s problems, lack of an overall RIM Program was one of the main causes. This is because it results to poor communication system in the organization. The police department for example is an enable to respond fast and quickly when need be. This is because every department feels too independent and can perform individually. The administrative department on the other hand, has a major problem in record keeping; this is because it does not act on decentralized basis therefore trying to manage and monitor all other departments. As a solution to this problem, departments should not mean segregation and all department should work together.

  • The city’s Legal Position

The case can be analyzed using the law review articles and other lawful journals. Criminal Law 110 >414 state that for persecution to given there has to be prove beyond any reasonable doubt that a defendant waiver for the advantage of self incrimination. This means that it’s the role of the government to prove beyond any reasonable doubt that the defendant is guilty of the offence. This is done with the help of the evidence given. If the government is unable to prove this degree of doubt then the case can not be ruled to the government benefit. The statement that was made by the defendant was not supposed to be presented in court. The oral statement was made before the defendant was informed of his rights and also it can the defendant was not in his proper state of mind as it was too soon after the whole situation had happened, actually it was just moments after the crowed had harassed him and all he was thinking of was safety

  • Confidential records

Confidential records for the customers or the organizationare supposed to be protected by the law. Any rights and legal recommendations stated in the rights and freedom acts of the country should be honored. The law in country which do not command the company to disclose the all the aspects of the products are assumed to honor the possession rights of the customer too early in a transaction. Possession right is gained when a person has physical control over the property and at the same time has acquired the intention to protect, hold and control the property; these aspects are not held by the company after the sale of a product

  • Electronic records

As a different line of thought, technology is developed in different ways, but the most common way is by the use of several researchers who come up with different thoughts and finally produce a beneficial product to the society. However, care should be taken to avoid destruction of the already existing products as we look forward for new products. The reason behind this statement is the fact that if we destroy too much of the already existing technology as we look forward for new strategies we may not only end up inconveniencing the users and beneficiaries of the old technology but also stagnate at the same economic level since losses will be registered frequently each time we destroy the already existing technology.

  • Staffing

         The new HR manager has the capability of ensuring the five new stores are in operation. She can do this by assisting in budget making for the organization, help in planning replacement of employees and optimum utilization of the employees. If these factors are imposed, cost minimization and quality management will be guaranteed (Armstrong, Michael 2006).

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