The techniques used in Final Destination which contribute to its appeal to an audience

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- Category: College Example
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Order NowThere are a lot of factors to consider when making a horror/thriller film: how to make it original and interesting and different from every other horror/thriller film ever made and so it will stand out and people will remember it. Before you start to make the film you have to think about a lot of things, such as who is your target audience, who you are going to try and get to play the characters, what music you are going to have playing at particular points to build up tension or such like and what the budget is going to be for the film.
In Final Destination they have done this well: they have thought about who will play the characters. The director said that he wanted Toby McGuire to play Alex Browning because every one will know who he is, but he refused, so they got Devon Sawa to play him, which I think was a good choice and he plays it really well. Billy Hitchcock was scripted as a bit of a geek and quite a big guy, but then they got Sean William Scott to play it and he was completely the opposite to this geek, so they changed the character to fit Sean William Scott more.
One of the bits of music they wanted would have cost them a quarter of a million dollars so they changed the song to one that wouldn’t cost them as much, to save money. It is pretty pointless spending that amount of money when a cheaper song works just as well. Then, in addition to thinking about all of these things, you have to start thinking about where you are going to film it, Is it going to be in a studio or on location, Which bits are being filmed where?
In Final Destination they filmed a lot of it in the studio but the other bits were filmed in America and Canada mostly. The scene in the airport when they are walking around was filmed in Vancouver airport, when it is meant to be JFK airport, because JFK airport is one of the busies in America so to stop all plane for a day or haw ever long it took to film would cause quite a problem. The bits filmed on the plane were done in a studio as well because it was easier and there was more room to move around and get the different camra angles.
Then the next bit when the plane blows up is filmed in a studio because it is slightly expensive and dangerous to blow up the windows in an airport! The scene at the end when they are in Paris was filmed in Victoria in Canada because it would have been too expensive to fly the whole crew out to Paris just to shoot one scene and it works very well in Victoria: it really looks like Paris. The thing that makes the film interesting and probably the best bit for me is all the little bits in the film that link ideas together.
For example all the main characters’ surnames are the surnames of famous horror filmmakers such as Billy Hitchcock (Alfred Hitchcock directed 39 Steps and The Birds,) Alex Browning (Browning directed Dracula and Freaks) Todd Wagner who directed, Wolf Man, Miss Luton (Val Leuton directed The Curse of the Cat People) There were 38 children from the school who died and it was gate 38 that they were flying from.
Their school was called St Abraham and they flew from JFK airport and Abraham Lincoln and John F Kennedy were both American presidents who were assassinated. In the very beginning when Alex is packing, his mum rips the old ticket of the bag, which is bad luck because if it got you safely through your last flight then it will get you through this flight. His flight left at 9:25 and that is when his birthday is: the 25th of September (9th month). These points make you think about the way the writers have made them is very clever.
In Final Destination, the audience, are expecting the deaths but in other films normally the death are unexpected: that’s what makes them exciting. In Final Destination there are a couple of moments where the tension builds up to the deaths and you can almost guess what is going to happen, but you mostly always get it wrong. For example, just before Miss Lewton dies, the cooker gets blown out and as she is relighting it the tension is building: you can almost tell that every one thinks that she is going to blow the house up.
This also happens just before Todd Wagner dies: you can see the liquid leaking out of the toilet and then you know he is going to die but you can’t work out how. Then, after each death there is an insignificant few moments of film such as when Todd dies the next part of the film is Alex walking down the street and probably the best example of this is after Terri dies when the scene is of a glass of water with an Alka-Seltzer fizzing in it they do this so that the audience can get there breath back and stop talking about it.
The other bit that they changed was that after Terri dies with the Alka-Seltzer fizzing in the glass they had to add about a minute in because every one was talking and whispering about how Terri dies that they would miss the next scene which was important so they added a non singinet scene in so that the audience would stop talking and would not miss anything important. New Line Cinemas always have a test run, which is when the producers gather a load of people, who have no connections with anyone making or in the film and them watch it.
The producers have some specialist watching the audience’s reactions to see what bits grab their attention and which bits lose their attention. After they have seen the film, the producers give the audience a survey to fill in with questions like: Did the film make you sit on the edge of your seat? “Was the film original? ” Was it boring at times? “Was it too predictable? ,” What was your best bit? ,” What made the film good? ,’ etc. As a result in Final Destination they changed the original ending.
Originally Alex’s dies saving Clear, who is also pregnant, so death can’t kill her because she is carrying an innocent soul. But in the surveys they found out that the audience didn’t like the ending because they found it too boring. So they changed it and they go to Paris and are not killed and Alex works out that he is next and carter saves his life and then the huge sign is swinging behind them and is about to kill them when it goes black and goes to the credits.
The film was going to be called Flight 180 but the studio thought that sounded too much like a disaster movie, so they had a vote and the producers got out-voted and it was called Final Destination. I think it is called this because Paris is the Final Destination and they get there in the end but there is a lot of difficulty in getting there. So to sum it up the main things that make it fun are the little links between the ideas, the unpredictable of it all and the choice of locations and characters, which work so well.
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