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Sweet Potato Peels

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Statement of the problem:
The research is generally aimed to determine the effect of sweet potato peelings as soil enhancer. Specific:
1. Is there a change in NPK (nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus) in the soil after applying 25, 50, and 75 grams of sweet potato after the interval of 3 days? 2. Is there a change in the soil ph in the soil’s color after applying 25, 50, and 75 grams of sweet potato after the interval of 3 days? 3. Is there a change in?

Statement of the hypotheses:
Ho: The Sweet Potato has no effect in the soil in any way.
Ha: The Sweet Potato will enhance the soil quality.


1. Ho: The Sweet Potato has no effect in the soil’s NPK content. Ha: The Sweet Potato increases the soil’s NPK content.
2. Ho: The Sweet Potato has no effect in the soil’s ph. Ha: The Sweet Potato increases the soil’s ph level.
3. Ho: The sweet potato has no effect in the soil’s
Ha: The sweet potato increases the soil’s

Significance of the Study:
The Study generally aims to find out if Sweet Potato has the potential of being an effective soil enhancer. Community: It can help in the problem of the lack of natural fertilizer. If proven effective it can help people who can’t afford fertilizers. Environment: It can help in the problem of using too much artificial fertilizers and it and it can also help in one of our most common problem which is Pollution.
Scope and Delimitation:

Definition of Terms:

Sweet potato: with the scientific name of (IPOMOEA BATATAS) is the source of the NPK and HP of the soil.
POTASSIUM: A silver-white soft metallic chemical element that occurs abundantly in nature. PHOSPORUS: A nonmetallic chemical element that has characteristics similar to nitrogen. Chapter 2- Review of Related Literature and Studies

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