Statistics Fitness Center Report

- Pages: 5
- Word count: 1071
- Category: Fitness Gender Statistics
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Order NowWith the launch of AJ’s Fitness and as their current MBA intern, I was tasked with analyzing the results of a recent survey that was given the fitness center’s current members. Of the 1,833 members surveyed, we receive 133 usable responses. The following report details an analysis of the results from the membership survey, as well as some suggested changes that can be implemented by new management to increase overall membership satisfaction.
Overall Satisfaction & Visits Levels
In first looking at overall membership satisfaction, I wanted to determine if there was a relationship between overall service satisfaction and typical visits per week.
Overall Service Satisfaction| Average Visits per Week|
1- Very Unsatisfied| 1.60|
2 – Unsatisfied| 2.25|
3 – Neutral| 2.94|
4 – Satisfied| 2.72|
5 – Very Satisfied| 3.10|
As you can see from the pivot table above, memberships’ overall satisfaction directly correlates to their average visits per week. Moreover, members that visit more per week have higher overall satisfaction in the service of the fitness center.
Gender Analysis: Visit Levels & Exercise Programs
To further analyze membership satisfaction, I wanted to break down the visit levels by gender and see if there was any correlation in exercise programs satisfaction.
Gender| Average of Typical Visits Per Week| Average of Exercise Programs Satisfaction(5= Very Satisfied, 1=Very Unsatisfied)| Average of Months With the Club| Male| 2.10| 2.55| 37.19|
Female| 3.07| 2.96| 36.16|
From the pivot table above, male members on average typically attended the fitness center less than females per week. And, although there is a small distinction, females have a higher satisfaction than males with the exercise programs. A possible assumption can be made that females utilize the exercise programs more than males. However, male members on average have been with the fitness center slightly longer than females.
Gender Analysis: Exercise Equipment Satisfaction
After understanding exercise program satisfaction by gender, I also wanted to look at the variance in weight and exercise equipment satisfaction by gender. This would determine if males or females are more satisfied with the weight and exercise equipment at the fitness center.
From the histogram diagram above, females on average are more satisfied than males with the exercise equipment. Although there is not a clear explanation for higher female satisfaction in exercise equipment, we might be able to link this variance to females’ higher rate of visits per week or their attraction to aerobic equipment such as the elliptical or treadmill.
Age Analysis: Exercise Program Satisfaction
Now that we’ve taken a look at gender and satisfaction levels, I wanted to explore exercise program satisfaction as it related to age. Of members that responded to the survey, the majority are between the ages of 23-32 (36%) and 33-42 (30%).
On the pie chart on page 2, the average exercise program satisfaction by age range is also clearly listed. Even though members age 63-72 made up less than 1% of those surveyed, they have higher satisfaction levels (5) with exercise programs than other age ranges surveyed. One possible explanation for this is that those in the age range of 63-72 might be more inclined to take advantage of the exercise programs (i.e. water aerobics) than utilizing the facilities fitness equipment.
Age Analysis: Visit Levels
I also wanted to determine if there is a relationship between membership age and their visits per week. Not only would this show the frequency of visits by age, but it would also indentify any outliers in typical visits per week with respect to age.
Typical Visits Per Week
From the above scatterplot, it is clear that there are some outliers with respect to members under the age of 35 that typical visit the fitness center 8 or more times per week. We can also see that there are few members over the age of 60 (outliers of age). There is also high consolidation or majority in membership from the scatterplot between the ages of 20-40 that typically visit the gym between 1-4 times per week.
Descriptive Statistics
To further analyze the result of the survey, I wanted to take an in depth look through descriptive statistics. The following chart show descriptive statistic data for the questions surveyed and analyzed in the previous sections of this report.
Column1| Age| Gender| Club Staff Satisfaction| Exercise Programs Satisfaction| Overall Service Satisfaction| Months With the Club| Typical Visits Per Week| Weights & Exercise Equipment Satisfaction| Mean| 34.57| 1.69| 3.97| 2.83| 3.29| 36.48| 2.77| 3.38| Median| 34.00|
2.00| 4.00| 3.00| 3.00| 36.00| 3.00| 3.00| Mode| 24.00| 2.00| 4.00| 3.00| 3.00| 38.00| 2.00| 4.00| Standard Deviation| 10.67| 0.46| 0.94| 1.06| 0.76| 20.44| 1.71| 0.99| Sample Variance| 113.94| 0.21| 0.88| 1.12| 0.57| 417.85| 2.92| 0.97| Kurtosis| -0.26| -1.33| 0.79| -0.39| 0.37| 0.13| 1.59| -0.13| Skewness| 0.49| -0.83| -1.01| 0.05| -0.32| 0.53| 0.95| -0.45| Range| 55.00| 1.00| 4.00| 4.00| 4.00| 104.00| 10.00| 4.00| Minimum| 13.00| 1.00| 1.00| 1.00| 1.00| 1.00| 0.00| 1.00| Maximum| 68.00| 2.00| 5.00| 5.00| 5.00| 105.00| 10.00| 5.00| Sum| 10820.00| 529.00| 1242.00| 886.00| 1031.00| 11417.00| 868.00| 1059.00| Count| 313.00| 313.00| 313.00| 313.00| 313.00| 313.00| 313.00| 313.00|
In analyzing the data from the descriptive statistics table above, there are a few key survey results to highlight: * Age: The mean age in the survey is 34 years old. The oldest member in the survey is 68. * Gender: The survey gender make-up was 70% female and 30% male. This makes the data somewhat skewed and difficult to provide an accurate analysis of the membership population. * Club Staff Satisfaction: Average score was almost 4 (satisfied). * Exercise Program Satisfaction: Average score was less than 3 (neutral / unsatisfied), so there is need for improvement in exercise programs. * Overall Service Satisfaction: Average score was 3.29 (neutral) with a standard deviation of .76. Only 3% were highly satisfied and 36% were satisfied, showing that there is a need for improvement in overall service. * Typical Visits per Week: Mean score is 2.77; Maximum score was 10 (outlier).
From the survey data collected, it is apparent that there is need for improvement to increase membership satisfaction. Most members are satisfied with the current staff, but overall service, as well as available exercise programs needs to improve. And, as the survey was female skewing, I highly recommend implementing a supplemental survey to further understand ways to improve overall service and texercise programs at the AJ’s Fitness Center.