Reflective practice definition
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Order Now1.Explain what reflective practice is?
Reflective practice is a way of studying your own experience to improve the way in which you work. The
act of reflection is a great way to increase confidence and become a more proactive and qualified
professional. By being reflecting on my experiences it gives me the opportunities to learn for my
experiences and to help me develop my working practice. This a tool that will help me analyze specific
interactions or incidents that have occurred at work, as well as a method of working in the moment that
is mindful and self-aware.
2.Explain the importance of reflective practice in continuously improving the quality of service
This is important as it will help me to focus on the things that I have done well and thinks that need to
be improved. By having regular supervisions with my supervisor, it will help me to see where
improvement can be made. It can help me to look at could I have done it differently? How will I do that
task next time? Are there things I can improve on? Do I need any extra training with specific tasks that
can help me improve?
3.Explain how standards inform reflective practice in adult social care?
By being aware of these laws it can help me to carry out my role. And the way I should be working.
These can help me to reflect on my work and to compare them to the work I am doing and to see if I can
make any improvements. By following these it will enable me to gain a professional development and
provide a way to identify good practice.
4.Describe how own values, belief systems and experiences may affect working practice in adult social
It is important to reflect on my own practices because this allows me to look at what I am doing well at
and where I need to make improvements or do more training for. By doing this it will help me to meet
the standards and expectations within the health care policies and procedures.
This helps me to think about what I do within my work setting and will always help me to be aware of how I work with the service users, families, managers and colleagues. This can help me to improve my self-esteem and build
my confidence. This will help me to look at what I am doing well what things I have learnt and new
achievement’s I have made within my role especially if I have found that task difficult in the past. This
will give me the confidence to continue working.
Understand the importance of feedback in improving own practice
1.Explain how people may react and respond to receiving constructive feedback?
Sometimes with constructive feedback some individuals may find it had if their feedback is critical and
may take this as a negative way in which they are working especially if they believe that they have done
the task quite well. This can be quite disappointing when a senior highlights errors in your performance.
By taking these comments as a positive it can help you to improve your performance. People may
become upset and their confidence may be knocked. It will also help them to become aware of their
weaknesses and of their strengths this will help you to develop your strengths and minimize your
2.Explain the importance of seeking feedback to improve practice and inform development?
It is important to seek feedback as this will help you to improve your practice your manager is not the
only person who can give you feedback to your work. You could seek feedback for the individual within
your care their relatives your colleagues and other professionals who work within your setting. By
receiving feedback from different people within the setting it will help you to evaluate your own
performance and to set yourself targets that you can reach and it will help you to be more self-aware as
you develop your skills.
3.Explain the importance of using feedback in improving own practice?
By using the feedback that you have been given whether it is positive or negative it can help you to
improve the way in which you work. If you get feedback that is negative you can turn this into a positive
result in finding ways to do something in a different way. This will help you to improve and develop and
it can also be beneficial for the service users within your care. If you decide to ignore this feedback it can
lead to mistakes. You may harm a service user and it could result in you losing your job. By listening to
the feedback, it will you with your level of competence give you experience and increase your self-
esteem. Understand how a personal development plan can contribute to own learning and development
1.Describe the components of a development plan?
In my work place setting when we become employed by the company we first have to complete an
induction and within our 12-week probation period we must complete parts of our e-learning. Once we
have completed the 12-week probation period we have to complete the e-learning within 6 months.
Every 6 weeks we have supervisions and every 6 months we have appraisals done. We are given regular
refresher courses and sent on training that will help us in areas that we may need extra training. You’ll
be given a mentor and you will shadow more experience staff. You will also take responsibility for
keeping your learning up to date as you are responsible for your work.