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Improving conditions for the entire world may seem like a daunting task. It may be more beneficial to look at a single piece of the puzzle and its experience of improving conditions. Narrowing the field of study to a single country allows for a more detailed analysis of the path taken to achieve improved conditions for the single country. Improving the conditions of a country through a process of change is called development. Measuring development in a single country allows us to understand some of the policy, historical trends and natural conditions that are better for development. By looking at the Philippines recent political and economic issues, and the economic performance of the past and perspective future, a better understanding of development will be achieved. Does the administration of President Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino III able to maintain the rapid economic growth while making the Philippine Economy more inclusive?

We know that today there are such political affairs and economic problems that our country facing. This political affairs and economic problems such as the issue on the Pork Barrel Scam, war between AFP(Arm Forces of the Philippines) and MNLF(Moro National Liberation Front) in Zambaonga City, poverty, and corruption that are hindrances to our economic growth. Philippine economy had grown about 5 percent a year on average over the last ten years, significantly higher than in the previous two decades. Yet the number of people living below the poverty line has actually increased. That was for the last ten years, but how about now? Did President Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino III able to maintain this kind of economic growth even though the Philippines is facing some political affairs and economic problems?

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