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Prosecutorial misconduct

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  • Pages: 5
  • Word count: 1060
  • Category: crime Law

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•Ineffective assistance by criminal defense counsel
•Judicial misconduct

•What did the prosecutor do wrong? How does immunity protect the prosecutor from the consequences of his or her misconduct?

•What did the criminal defense attorney do wrong? What is the Strickland v. Washington standard? Refer to Ch. 10 of Courts and Criminal Justice in America. How do the performance prong and the prejudice prong of the Strickland standard apply to the example?

•What did the judge do wrong? Which judicial selection option—either appointment, election, or merit—would help to reduce instances of judicial misconduct?

•How does the misconduct or ineffectiveness of these courtroom participants reflect or thwart the crime control model of criminal justice? How does the misconduct or ineffectiveness of these courtroom participants reflect or thwart the due process model of criminal justice? Prosecutorial misconduct

•Ineffective assistance by criminal defense counsel
•Judicial misconduct

•What did the prosecutor do wrong? How does immunity protect the prosecutor from the consequences of his or her misconduct?

•What did the criminal defense attorney do wrong? What is the Strickland v. Washington standard? Refer to Ch. 10 of Courts and Criminal Justice in America. How do the performance prong and the prejudice prong of the Strickland standard apply to the example?

•What did the judge do wrong? Which judicial selection option—either appointment, election, or merit—would help to reduce instances of judicial misconduct?

•How does the misconduct or ineffectiveness of these courtroom participants reflect or thwart the crime control model of criminal justice? How does the misconduct or ineffectiveness of these courtroom participants reflect or thwart the due process model of criminal justice? Prosecutorial misconduct

•Ineffective assistance by criminal defense counsel
•Judicial misconduct

•What did the prosecutor do wrong? How does immunity protect the prosecutor from the consequences of his or her misconduct?

•What did the criminal defense attorney do wrong? What is the Strickland v. Washington standard? Refer to Ch. 10 of Courts and Criminal Justice in America. How do the performance prong and the prejudice prong of the Strickland standard apply to the example?

•What did the judge do wrong? Which judicial selection option—either appointment, election, or merit—would help to reduce instances of judicial misconduct?

•How does the misconduct or ineffectiveness of these courtroom participants reflect or thwart the crime control model of criminal justice? How does the misconduct or ineffectiveness of these courtroom participants reflect or thwart the due process model of criminal justice? Prosecutorial misconduct

•Ineffective assistance by criminal defense counsel
•Judicial misconduct

•What did the prosecutor do wrong? How does immunity protect the prosecutor from the consequences of his or her misconduct?

•What did the criminal defense attorney do wrong? What is the Strickland v. Washington standard? Refer to Ch. 10 of Courts and Criminal Justice in America. How do the performance prong and the prejudice prong of the Strickland standard apply to the example?

•What did the judge do wrong? Which judicial selection option—either appointment, election, or merit—would help to reduce instances of judicial misconduct?

•How does the misconduct or ineffectiveness of these courtroom participants reflect or thwart the crime control model of criminal justice? How does the misconduct or ineffectiveness of these courtroom participants reflect or thwart the due process model of criminal justice?

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you summarize each example and address the following questions:

•What did the prosecutor do wrong? How does immunity protect the prosecutor from the consequences of his or her misconduct?

•What did the criminal defense attorney do wrong? What is the Strickland v. Washington standard? Refer to Ch. 10 of Courts and Criminal Justice in America. How do the performance prong and the prejudice prong of the Strickland standard apply to the example?

•What did the judge do wrong? Which judicial selection option—either appointment, election, or merit—would help to reduce instances of judicial misconduct?

•How does the misconduct or ineffectiveness of these courtroom participants reflect or thwart the crime control model of criminal justice? How does the misconduct or ineffectiveness of these courtroom participants reflect or thwart the due process model of criminal justice?

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
Option 2: Presentation

Create a 10- to 12-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation, with a minimum of 100 words of speaker notes, in which you summarize each example and address the following questions:

•What did the prosecutor do wrong? How does immunity protect the prosecutor from the consequences of his or her misconduct?

•What did the criminal defense attorney do wrong? What is the Strickland v. Washington standard? Refer to Ch. 10 of Courts and Criminal Justice in America. How do the performance prong and the prejudice prong of the Strickland standard apply to the example?

•What did the judge do wrong? Which judicial selection option—either appointment, election, or merit—would help to reduce instances of judicial misconduct?

•How does the misconduct or ineffectiveness of these courtroom participants reflect or thwart the crime control model of criminal justice? How does the misconduct or ineffectiveness of these courtroom participants reflect or thwart the due process model of criminal justice?

Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines.
Option 3: News Article

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word news article in which you describe your research selection and summarize each example and address the following questions:

•What did the prosecutor do wrong? How does immunity protect the prosecutor from the consequences of his or her misconduct?

•What did the criminal defense attorney do wrong? What is the Strickland v. Washington standard? Refer to Ch. 10 of Courts and Criminal Justice in America. How do the performance prong and the prejudice prong of the Strickland standard apply to the example?

•What did the judge do wrong? Which judicial selection option—either appointment, election, or merit—would help to reduce instances of judicial misconduct?

•How does the misconduct or ineffectiveness of these courtroom participants reflect or thwart the crime control model of criminal justice? How does the misconduct or ineffectiveness of these courtroom participants reflect or thwart the due process model of criminal justice?

Remember that a news article may include opinion or bias. Accordingly, you must support your position with reliable data or sources. Provide a list of references for your research that are consistent with APA guidelines.

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