Juvenile Justice System Essays

Social Theories of Juvenile Delinquency Different theories of juvenile delinquency have been posited to explain deviant behavior of the youth. The Anomie theory postulates that legitimate desires, wants or even needs that cannot be satisfied by conformity force a person into deviance. (Merton). Young delinquents like market scoundrels are force …
Did you know that juveniles accounted for almost half the arrests for serious crimes in the United States in 1974 and for less than one-third in 1983? Did you know that recent trends show an increase in arrests of adolescents for murder, assault, and weapon use? The small number of …
Even though the number of juveniles have increased and seen as no hope is available, changes are needed to improve the juvenile justice system with the help from the community, family, law enforcement support system in order to reduce the recidivism. Community Involvement Community Involvement is considered as a group …
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