Protection Essays

It is important to have good communicational skills when talking to a child / young person that you are trying to build a relationship with. Without good communication, people struggle to build up professional relationships, this is because they might have completely different opinions about things but not be able …
Understand legislation relating to the safeguarding, protection and welfare of children. Explain child protection in relation to safeguarding. Child protection is part of the safeguarding process which means to protect the children from harm and promote their welfare. Its focus is to save children who are likely to suffer harm or …
Abstract Oil and gas exploration and exploitation in Niger Delta region (Nigeria) have been characterized by environmental degradation as a result of oil spillage, flaring of gas, deforestation and other unwholesome practices of oil and gas multinational companies operating in the area. The devastation of the environment is the consequence …
Introduction Occupational health is the protection and promotion of the health of the worker, the identification, and control of health risks in the workplace, including not only physical, chemical and biological, but also psychological and social factors that may have adverse effects on health and labor productivity ( Torp, S. …
Control of Pollution (amendment) Act The 1989 act is a very important piece of statutory framework and is mainly for controlling wastes, in conjunction with the Environmental Protection Act 1990. What this act does is basically create a scheme for the registration of the carriers of controlled wastes with related …
1.0 Introduction According to the economists, world is currently facing to the worst ever global financial crisis since 1930 world’s great depression. Currently this financial crisis is affecting most of the countries all over the world, not only developed countries but also developing countries as well as least developed countries …
1. INTRODUCTION: India with her states is rich in biodiversity. The State of Uttar Pradesh although not that much biologically diversified nevertheless it has significant biodiversity. The main reason behind comparatively less biodiversity in U.P. lies in fact that it falls in Plain area where forest covers are scanty (9.01% …
* Gaurav Jain v. Union of India, AIR 1997 SC 3021 * In the matter of: Prison Reforms Enhancement of Wages of Prisoners, AIR 1983 Ker.261 * Labourers Working on Salal Hydro Project v. State of Jammu & Kashmir,AIR 1984 SC 177 * Nihal Singh v. Ram Bai, AIR 1987 …
Introduction The challenges and laws shaping the business sector drawing in corporate social responsibility, good corporate citizenship, and statutory anti-discrimination programs have shifted as political and social climates have changed in New York, the United States, and around the world. One legal issue, which has been borne since the advent …
The guardianship system is for dependent adults over the age of 18, who need or require continuously support from another adult. Guardianship is a legal mechanism that appoints a substitute decision-maker to act in the best interest of the disabled person who lacks the capacity to manage their own personal …
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