Proposal for Feasibility of Downtown Revitalization in Tulsa
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Order NowThe city of Tulsa, situated in Oklahoma, has for many decades now been in need of restructuring and modernization to bring not only economic prosperity to the area but also to provide a better standard of living to existing residents. The area that I am concerned with most is downtown Tulsa, where I shall conduct my investigation into the feasibility of improvements in the future.
At present downtown Tulsa is a place of commercial business with little tourist attractions or indeed somewhere to socialize with friends during the day or night. With a population of approximately 380,000 within the city of Tulsa and 800,000 in the metropolitan area it seems plausible that an adequate variety of attractions and entertainment be supported by Tulsans to create a more sociable atmosphere.
Statement of Problem
Downtown Tulsa is suffering from a lack of public amenities that entice people to visit the area. Many parts are looking run down, becoming hazardous due to the unstable infrastructure, and may serve to attract criminal activity. If action is not taken there will be a steady demise not only on the surrounding community, but there will also be a negative effect upon businesses which will be unable to hire the best employees, thus thwarting Tulsa’s growth.
Proposed Solution
One possible solution to the problem would be to model downtown Tulsa on other downtowns that have prospered from revitalization. The recent improvements to Oklahoma city’s downtown has proved a success and is now a more desirable place to live and visit. Similarly, in San Antonio an investigation into how they have developed downtown would provide useful information that relates to Tulsa. Introducing a more extensive range of shops and restaurants would not only bring revenue into Tulsa but also create jobs to combat the unemployment rate. Downtown Tulsa needs to offer a combination of a competitive business market coupled with a place that provides entertainment and commercial amenities as well.
To assess the feasibility of future improvements and enhancements to downtown Tulsa I will examine numerous areas.
* What types of businesses/amenities currently operate downtown and how successful are they?
* Is there a demand for new shops and restaurants?
* Are Tulsans willing to come downtown to use new proposed projects and what specifically do they want?
* What are the estimated costs?
* How can these costs be financed?
* What are the long-term benefits to businesses as well as the general public?
My primary data will come from visiting the downtown area of Tulsa personally and inspecting the current situation first hand. From here I can conduct research through surveys with businesses and the public. I will evaluate possible locations for new enterprises and also consult building companies regarding costs. Secondary sources will include recent newspaper articles from the “Tulsa World” and “San Antonio Express.” Other publications concerned with downtown revitalizations will further enhance my study.
My Qualifications
I have spent the last three years overseeing improvements to Oklahoma City’s downtown redevelopments. I received a B.S. in Economics from the University of Tulsa and so am familiar with the Tulsa area.
Downtown Tulsa is in desperate need of revitalization to halt the steady deterioration of the area and instead promote growth and economic prosperity. The area is ideally located with a large surrounding population and so has plenty of potential. By comprehensively answering the questions in the scope earlier, I can determine what is required for the city to make strides forward and secure a healthy long term future. With your approval, I will begin research at once.