Guidelines for writing a research paper

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- Word count: 1509
- Category: College Example
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Order NowDo you want to know how to write a good research paper? Well, read on! Writing research paper could be complicated if you don’t have required skills. We will explain to you all the necessary information about research paper outline and show the easiest and the most effective way of writing the research term paper.
Research paper is a self-fulfilling scientific research of a problem that corresponds to scientific principles, has a certain structure, contains the result of its conclusions, develops sound logical experiments and organizes data and results. Its quality can be determined by the following criteria:
- relevance of the chosen topic;
- organization the paper;
- completeness of the topic’s disclosure, argumentation of conclusions;
- cornerstone for research;
- element of creativity;
- mechanics composing paper;
- style, literacy;
- results from computational research;
- threading logical flow.
Before working on the chosen topic, the student must have some knowledge of the methods of writing paper – that is, the way of draft paper, the way to achieve specific tasks. During the study of scientific facts, following methods can be used: induction, deduction, analysis, synthesis, descriptive, comparative-historical, linguistic geography, comparative, structural, methods of sociolinguistics (questionnaires, interviews, observations, experiments, etc.).
The research work must certify the student’s theoretical knowledge and writing style in special logical order; the skills to independently process scientific sources (articles, monographs, materials of creative discussions, etc.) and on their basis come to independent conclusions and generalizations of the original scientific character. The language of a paper presented must be precise, clear, understandable and devoid of double interpretation. Writing personal manuscript makes writing strategy. You can elaborate writing, underlying story.
Organization of the search activity of the students gives them the opportunity to work independently and purposefully, develops creative thinking, improves the system of theoretical knowledge, practical skills and abilities, and create winning paper. But we must realize that work on the development of research skills of students must be not episodic, but represents a holistic system of learning. Only under such conditions, we can achieve quality writing precise results.
An important element of the paper is the hypothesis – scientifically grounded assumption about the structure of the objects being studied. This is a peculiar forecast of the expected solution to the research activities. It is based on available theoretical knowledge about the object being studied.
If the result corresponds to reality, then the hypothesis turns into a scientific presented logical theory. There may be several hypotheses presented by topic sentences. Some of them will be confirmed, some not.
Great deal with the best topic
Writing research paper outline requires a strong topic. So the next important step is choosing the topic of the study. To choose a theme of work correctly is to ensure successful execution. In doing this, you must take into account your strength and abilities. The formulation of the topic contains the purpose of the study, which in the process of experiments and results can develop and be enriched, but its essence remains the same until the problem is resolved. The theme should be relevant and celebrated with novelty. The formulation of the subject involves finding out the ways and methods for solving it. The final result depends on the correctness of the formulation of the topic and objectives of the research papers.
The title of the direct organizes research should be simple, as short as possible and original, sometimes you can add a small subtitle (2-5 words) to complete draft paper. It is necessary to avoid complicated terminology, especially the so-called pseudo-scientific character, such as “Investigation of the question …”, “Some questions …”, “Research of some ways …”, “Paper for biologists…”.
Before doing a scientific presentation of the topic, the performer must have already collected actual material, a detailed plan of his whole paper, clearly visualize its entire structure. A clear idea of the purpose and the leading idea of the study ensures the correct presentation of each thought. Research may need a scientific study of a particular problem that has been performed. Draft paper requires you to be careful and organize research activities.
As experience shows, typical disadvantages of many students’ research are their descriptive character of overall research; incompleteness of the topic’s disclosure (this often happens because the topic is formulated too widely and the student is simply physically unable to comprehend and explore it) and deviation from research topic. Experiments may prove that there are no defined research tasks to be performed in order to achieve the goal; lack of references used in literature; not adhering to the scientific style of presentation: the absence of own conclusions, which would logically follow from the conducted research needs; the presence of punctuation, stylistic, speech errors or separate writing.
Requirements for the topic:
- relevance, a reflection of problems of modern science and practice, compliance with urgent needs of society;
- content, informativeness, and development in science;
- the possibility of finding enough literature;
- the presence of an element of novelty;
- the topic must contain some controversial point, anticipating collisions of different points of view on one problem;
- the name of the work may not include the word problem, but, in the other way, the problem should be in mind;
- the theme should be specific in some logical way.
For a successful running head selection, there are some simple rules.
- The topic of paper may correspond to the preparation and inclination of a particular student.
- The primary sources should be achievable.
- Research subject must be comprehended (intellectually flawed for a particular student).
- The chosen methodology for the development of the topic should really correspond to the abilities of a student.
Structure outline
Research Paper Guidelines requires the following structure: introduction, main part, conclusions, literature, applications (if necessary).
In the introduction, it is necessary to disclose the essence and state the study of the problem under consideration, its significance. Research paper often clearly defines the subject of the research, indicates who has worked on the study of this topic, which managed to decide what issues need further elaboration. It is necessary to clearly articulate the purpose of the work, significance the results and outline a number of specific tasks, to discover the novelty, the practical and theoretical significance of the research, its relevance. First of all, research objectives determine the expediency of this work for the development of the relevant branch of science, especially the domestic one.
The introduction body of the work comprises several sections, which may have subdivisions, clauses, and sub-clauses. It reduces the level of work overload with its materials, which do not relate to the research topic at all. In the main part, it is necessary to highlight the theoretical foundations of work, to reveal the content of the terms used, to lay out the course of research. Read your paper; a student must necessarily refer to the authors and sources from which materials or individual theses are borrowed. Research and writing of the work should be consistent with the purpose. Particular attention should be paid to the logic of presentation and the smooth transition from the presentation of one question to another. It is not necessary to abusive the citation, but the content of the work of the thought of scientists need to be cited. Write a strong thesis statement to show the significance of completeness. Outline the paper, and you’ll reach success.
The conclusions of paper often summarize the most important results that were obtained during the essay research. They should be consistent with the purpose and objectives of the study, which was reported in the introduction, and formulated in accordance with the description of the main part. Make sure that everything is correct. It is worth emphasizing the importance of the scientific achievements of science. We can speak about the prospect of this study, to give recommendations on the use of the obtained results, to organize research. The process writing must be specific, supported by facts and logically derived from them. In the conclusions of the good research, there should be nor new facts, nor new generalizations compared with the previous text.
Guidelines for writing a research paper should be finished with a logical flow. References are written from a new page and are called “Literature.” If during the study, they archival materials, data from the Internet, the list of literature were used, it should be called “List of used sources.” The list of used literature contains a list of sources (artistic texts, scientific works, etc.) on which the work relies. Literary sources are issued in accordance with the standard and placed in alphabetical order of names of authors. Newspaper publications should be used as a last resort. It is better to look for the work of the same author in other editions. While working on publishing paper, the student should use encyclopedic and explanatory dictionaries to help determine the meaning of terms or concepts with the final draft.
In conclusion, we can say, that in this article we’ve tried to provide you with the most important information about writing essay paper, its guidelines for research paper. Depending on how clear and precisely the purpose of the work will be formulated, its main objectives, content, and organization of paper written will look.
Research Paper Guidelines