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Organizational Change Argumentative

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First Discussion: OD consultant for a small privately owned property management Scenario

Management recognizes that there is gain by decreasing payroll expenses but career path development was taken for granted.  If I were the OD consultant I would stress the importance of human resource development in order to focus on business essentials that are creating a market for housing.  A task, that could only be done by loyal company staff.

Since a successful change involves top management, I would rather consider first the management decision in hiring a consultant.  First and foremost creating a job description of every staff and giving direction to whom and where they should report (Namara, 1997).

The way to address resistance is by communicating and education because change may go against the value of its members.

Further, someone who wanted to create change must be visionary, persuasive and consistent and is able to translate vision to carry out a realistic plan.  Change must properly be discussed.

Second Discussion: Custom Food and Feed Corporation (CF&F) Scenario

As the new HRD Manager I would first outline the analysis of the Technical Division since it is where the work flow begins and ended.  After that I would begin to resolve and communicate the company’s compliance with the state regulatory regulations, labor laws and equal opportunity employment guidelines.

A model of implementation for Total Quality Management (TQM) must be presented in line with the analysis of the technical division.  Since TQM is also a change in political values, there is no way that a leader is intimidated by changing an established culture that no longer improves the functioning of an organization.  TQM if well thought out has proven to be an effective process (Thomas Packard, 1995) .


Namara, C. M. (1997). Basic Context for Organizational Change . Retrieved 18 September 2007 from http://www.managementhelp.org/mgmnt/orgchnge.htm.

Thomas Packard, D. S. W. (1995). TQM And Organizational Change And Development . Retrieved 18 September 2007 from http://www.improve.org/tqm.html.

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