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Life in Small Town vs Life in a City

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Northern Ireland:
is a part of the United Kingdom in the north-east of the island of Ireland with an area of 13,843km2, was built on 3 May 1921. is Consociational devolved government within a constitutional monarchy. Capital and largest city: Belfast.

Official language: English.
Monarch: Elizabeth II
First Minister: Peter Robinson.
Secretary of State for Northern Ireland: Theresa Villiers

shares a border with the Republic of Ireland to the south and west. As of 2011, its population was 1,810,863, constituting about 30% of the island’s total population and about 3% of the population of the United Kingdom.


Main article: History of Ulster
See also: History of Ireland

Scrabo Tower, County Down
Northern Ireland was for many years the site of a violent and bitter inter-communal conflict the Troubles. Since 1998, most of the paramilitary groups involved in the Troubles have ceased their armed campaigns. The late 16th century, the English-controlled Kingdom of Ireland had been declared by the English king Henry VIII in 1542. Between 1610 and 1717, a rebellion in 1641 by Irish aristocrats against UK government. In Northern Ireland, the iconic victories of the Siege of Derry (1689) and the Battle of the Boyne (1690) in this latter war are still celebrated today by the Unionist community (both Anglican and Presbyterian). In the context of open institutional discrimination, the end of the 18th century following an event known as the Battle of the Diamond, and leading to the formation of the (Anglican) Orange Order. Following a rebellion in 1798, the government of the Kingdom of Great Britain pushed for the two kingdoms to be merged. The new state, formed in 1801, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, was governed from a single government and parliament based in London. Experiencing lots of disputation, on 6 December 1922, the newly independent Irish Free State was built, Ireland, but Northern Ireland still was a part of UK.


Goliath crane of Harland ; Wolff in Belfast.
The Northern Ireland economy is the smallest of the four economies making up the United Kingdom. Northern Ireland has traditionally had an industrial economy, most notably in shipbuilding, rope manufacture and textiles, but most heavy industry has since been replaced by services, primarily the public sector. Tourism also plays a big role in the local economy. These large organisations are attracted by government subsidies and the skilled workforce in Northern Ireland. The local economy has seen contraction during the recent global economic downturn, and the Assembly are in discussion with the Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne in order to gain taxation powers, which would enable the Northern Ireland Corporation Tax rate to be reduced in line with that of the Republic of Ireland. Unemployment in Northern Ireland has increased substantially in recent years, it is estimated that the unemployment rate reached 8.2% in 2012, which means the Northern Ireland jobless level has moved above the UK average. The NI rate of unemployment at 8.2% is lower than the European Union and the Republic of Ireland where unemployment is running at almost 15%. The Northern Ireland inactivity rate (26.9%) remained above the UK average rate (22.4%) and was the highest rate among the 12 UK regions.

Northern Ireland’s macroeconomy is also characterised by considerably longer actual working hours and lower gender income disparity than in the United Kingdom as a whole.


The Twelfth is a bank holiday and a public holiday involving Orange Order parades With its improved international reputation, Northern Ireland has recently witnessed rising numbers of tourists. Attractions include cultural festivals, musical and artistic traditions, countryside and geographical sites of interest, public houses, welcoming hospitality and sports. English is the most spoken language in Northern Ireland. There are also two recognised regional languages in Northern Ireland: the Irish language and the local variety of Scots known as Ulster Scots. Northern Ireland has three national anthems and which one is used depends on the event.

They are God save the Queen, Londonderry Air and The Sash song. Living in another culture can be strange. Even if you are from a western culture you will notice that Northern Ireland’s culture is different to your own. You will find that people say ‘please’ and ‘thank-you’ very often. These are forms of politeness which are expected. You will notice in shops, banks, pubs and bus stops etc that people queue. This means that you stand in line and wait your turn to be served or get on the bus. It is considered rude if you do not queue. If you are invited to someone’s home for a meal it is usual to take a small gift such as flowers or chocolates. You should also tell them if you have specific religious or dietary needs.


1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northern_Ireland.
2. ^ a b Norther Ireland Statistics & Research Agency (December 2012). “Census 2011 Key Statistics for Northern Ireland”. Retrieved 14 January 2013. 3. ^ Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland; Government of Ireland (1998), Agreement reached in the multi-party negotiation 4. ^ Gwynn, Stephen (2009) . “The birth of the Irish Free State”. The History of Ireland. Macmillan. ISBN 978-1-113-15514-6.
5. ^ “Anglo-Irish Relations, 1939–41: A Study in Multilateral Diplomacy and Military Restraint” in Twentieth Century British History (Oxford Journals, 2005), ISSN 1477-4674 6. .

7. ^ “Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey.
8. ^ The Union Flag and Flags of the United Kingdom House of Commons Library, 3 June 2008. 9. ^ P Kurzer (2001), Markets and moral regulation: cultural change in the European Union, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 10. ^ Ryan, James G. (1997). Irish Records: Sources for Family and Local History. Flyleaf Press. p. 40. ISBN 978-0-916489-76-2. 11. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Culture_of_Northern_Ireland.

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