Emirates Group

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Order NowEmirates Group is a group of companies of which they are concentrating on delivering the best line of services based mainly on aviation, travel, and tourism. The group has been operating for a long time In the airline industry of which we will be concentrating on. As of the group Is employing more than 62,000 employees In the region, one of its most important areas to look at Is Its line of communication with Its stakeholders. Communication has been a big Issue within big organization for Its complexity.
Therefore, having a well-integrated line of communication between all he stakeholders Is very Important to ensure efficiency and effectiveness. Emirates Group line of communication Is based on different tools used together to bring out the outcome of which their position could tell of their achievements. The maln body the project Is focused on Is the stakeholders. Emirates Group has a variety of stakeholders that include internal and external. Internal stakeholders are its managers and employees that keep its operations under control on a daily basis.
While the main external stakeholders are its customers who keep the employees usy to generate the desired outcome for them and for the organization as a whole. However, as Internet has emerged within the all business sectors, it is now easier to communicate using online devices than the old media used such as paper-based networks. As the airline industry is considered diverse in its actions due to its flights and connections outside the country of which the company is based in, Internet has made it easier to communicate corporately along all these destinations.
Tools of Communication: The Emirates Group uses different types of communication tools with its takeholders, but I am going to start with the internal stakeholders of whom they are the partners, managers and the employees. A lot of well-known problems arose In many corporations in the past due to the lack of communication between the line of managers with their partners and their employees. However, being within the organization it is easier to keep up with the communication If the managers are able to make the employees devote themselves to the organization and feel as a part of It.
Well Emirates Group is a well-connected organization and the lines of managers are ommunicating with their employees In various ways. First, through live meetings that are held on a timely basis to ensure that the employees are given the chance to participate with their managers. These meetings depending on their objective they Interchange, for Instance, the budget analysis Is discussed on a monthly basis between the financial manager and the managers on top of the board. Wlthln these meetings, reports are produced first to show the flow of the money within the organization and its effect on the corporate strategy.
Another communication tool Is y the use of e-mails: in the past decades the rise of Internet has increased the use of emails between employees and their managers to reduce paper work that could tremendously waste time. Now emails are faster and easier to produce and disseminate. Consequently, these three communication tools are considered mandatory because they are linked directly with the strategic corporate goal of the organization. On the other hand, there is intranet that keeps the employees connected to the system on a 24-hour basis.
The intranet was not considered andatory to the airline industry until the late 1990’s, where communication with employees as they being aerospace engineers or flight attendants should be intact in all circumstances. For instance, if a flight attendant was unable to take the flight due to sickness, it is easy to communicate with another flight attendant to take place as soon as possible. Or for instance, if a group of aerospace engineers were in their weekend and one of the aircrafts had a problem in another country, it would be easy to communicate with the engineers due to arrive as quickly as possible to fix the problem.
The intranet is as well a good communication tool with the Emirates Group suppliers such as airports and Jet supply for the aircrafts. It is much easier for the Dnata, the largest travel management organization in the Middle East, to provide its customers with the best deals and the best services across the world. Dnata ensures the safety and the pleasurable stay in many different destinations with the bond created with travel agencies in other countries.
It could be very hard for Dnata to produce such loyalty with its customers of it did not have the right communication tool with its uppliers across the globe. Another use for intranets is the social media, where most of the people in this world are well connected today. Employees used not to have a well communication basis where they could easily keep in touch and build bonds with each other to ensure a better working environment. Emirates Group has its own social media network of which it keeps its employees, managers, and even its customers well intact.
The social media produces many advantages to the organization where everyone would feel free to share their thoughts and chat about their experience. Usually people find it as a waste of time and effort for it is nothing but a chat at the end of the day, but these small chats usually produce unexpected ideas that could be implemented within the workforce to produce an incredible product or project. Governments are usually a big issue for the airline industry as they are the ones mainly responsible for the safety of the customers and to ensure that their rights are well protected.
Communicating with governmental institutions is considered very important, as they should be well informed of all the flights undertaken. The amount f luggage for instance and its content is well supervised by the ministry of interior to ensure the safety of the flights. Aircrafts are usually allowed for a certain weight of luggage that is allowed for the aircraft to hold, therefore, for the government to be informed all the systems within the airport should be well connected to the designated officers responsible.
This is undertaken by an internal system of communication that is electronically based and as well on a direct basis. Problems that could face the aircraft should be attended as quickly as possible where the mployees usually use radio communication devices to keep all the movements complete and in its time and fully secured. So the main type of communication used here is on a direct basis. On the other hand, the government keeps the communication with the organization as whole on a paper-based reports and direct communication.
For instance, for the ministry of commerce to ensure the practices of the organization is well undertaken it obliges the organization to hire an auditor of which the reports are made on a quarterly basis to ensure the safety of the practice. Improving the System: The use of the tools that are implemented by the Emirates Group is of the latest technology, but the latest technology does not always assure a better way of communicating if the merger of these tools is not well organized.
There are different ways to improve the skills of the employees and to ensure they are well connected with their managers and their customers. As we know that the Emirates Group is a multinational company that works in many countries with around 62,000 employees. The goal of the Emirates Group is provide the best working environment for all these mployees, and for them to do that a lot of effort must be given in. The tools of which I stated are meetings, e-mails, intranet, and social media.
These four communication tools are considered the most widely and most important tools to keep an organization on the right track to reach its goal. A problem that could be faced within the organization is the inability of the employees to reach higher-level managers directly, and this could be a problem because there is certain issues that are addressed by do not reach to higher-level managers due to the communication line.
Some employees are not feeling their xistence because they do not get the chance to meet the higher-level managers well often to keep their bonds attached. One of the ways that could help these employees is to schedule a monthly meeting with all the employees, and for the employees who are not within the same destination could use video-conferencing to be able to communicate. Such communication will make the employees feel as they are a part of the development of the corporation, which will motivate them further to produce better quality service and operations.
As myself being a part of this organization, I received a tremendous quality service uring the flights but other nationalities usually have a problem communicating or giving their feedback about the flight due to the language. The Facebook page for instance does not help foreign languages to communicating in the forum due to people not being able to understand. One advantage of it is that flight attendants can improve their services by making friends with in their flights to other countries. This produces a great bond that attracts more people to the Facebook page and generates a higher degree of loyalty.
As twitter has been added to the social media of Emirates Group, many of the tweets were not replied to because of the inconvenience, as twitter is considered a 24-hour based communication service that should not be left for a second. Another impact arises from the customer service representatives whose languages are diverse but not the optimum level. The quality of service in other countries for the Emirates Airlines are not the same found in the IJAE, and it is hard for the customers to give their feedback to the home country; therefore, this issue should be addressed carefully.