Personal Criminological Theory Review

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In this document the subject to be explored is the personal criminological theory involving individuals within society. This information that is presented in the document will provide an explanation into the occurrences of crime, along with reasons to why individuals resort to committing crimes. Exploring the variables that maybe considered involving criminological theories. Identify statements that will provide substance to the theory that is discussed. Show methodologies that could be used to evaluate the theories.
Personal Criminological Theory
Today many reasons can be identified to show why individuals commit certain crimes. Often the environment an individual comes from can play an active part, as well as learned behavior from others can play apart. Identifying theories is important when dealing with why an individual may act the way he or she chooses to act, along with criminal acts that make them a participant in an illegal activity. Criminologists play an important part in conducting research for the purposes of introducing a theory into why an individual has participated in certain criminal activity. Although there maybe several theories out there in place, it is the criminologists job to find a main theory that relates to the criminal act that is in question. Criminologists must also discover a way to forecast avenues the offender may choose to carry out his or hers criminal activities (Andrews & Bonta, 2010). Various reasons are used for why an individual will commit a crime such as “I had to be able to take care of members of my family.” “I had to protect myself, so it was self-defense.” “Being in the wrong place, at the incorrect time.” Other individuals may be either distressed or spontaneous, when committing a crime. Often these are excuses to cover up for bad behavior. Various Theories
Further look into the world involving theories that may provide an explanation into a criminal’s world. For instance in some cases a look into ones biological clock can further shed light into an criminal’s mind. The biological factor can additionally provide a closer look into the criminal’s mind; often biologic factors can provide more answers for why the criminal participated in the type of behavior in which he or she did because of the genetic markers that are already present. An Italian university lecturer by the name of Cesare Lombroso, proposed that various criminals demonstrated the traits of physical nature, in which is looked at as “Atavistic” (Cesare Lombroso, n.d.). So much has been learned through the viewpoint of Lombroso. Both psychological and biological theories have some of the same traits such as the criminals are diverse in contrast to the general population.
The Strain Theory believes that individual’s are looked upon as traditionalist, which are persuaded through both values and outlooks of members of the community. Members of the community, in reality believe that much is gained through prosperity (Scully, 2012). Scully also believes that numerous individuals will experience issues with deviation and psychological medical conditions, in which contribute to an individual committing criminal acts (Scully, 2012). It is believed that one who commits crimes is can account for his or her actions through either genetic or mental theories (Scully, 2012). From a personal perspective, I would have to say numerous crimes are committed because of mental conditions. Based on this theory, people set their beliefs unimaginably high concerning fame, learning, and their careers, in which blocks his or her ambitions (O’Connor, 2004). The required actions are to either decrease ambitions or else amplify prospects (O’Connor, 2004). Exploring Variables
There are two chief approaches when examining the subject of criminology research, such as qualitative and quantitative exploration. Qualitative research involves a more precise approach into the world of social science, in which involves a more comprehension examination into the world of criminal (Tewksbury, 2009). With this method statistical information can be included; statistics can play an important part within the criminal justice system. Qualitative studies refer to characterizations, images, and characters (Tewksbury, 2009). On the other hand, quantitative studies involve methodical in relation to knowledge (Tewksbury, 2009). Focal point involves understanding the implementation of certain characterizations, in relation to criminological theories. The main goal is to be able to forecast down the line what is to come in the future.
Conclusion In a nutshell, the subject involving personal criminological theories is very comprehensive; this is why it is important to be able to understand various theories. One way to understand these theories is to acquire detailed data. Criminological theories can provide a more in-depth look into why a criminal commits the acts that he or she does, as well as possibly heading off certain crimes with specific types of offenders. Both qualitative and quantitative studies can provide a wealth of information in understanding various theories, in relation to criminology. Criminologists must also obtain an understanding into the world of criminology.
Andrews & Bonta. (2010). The Psychology of Criminal Conduct.,+D+and+Bonta,+J.+(2010).+The+Psychology+of+Criminal+Conduct&ots=uRz6bjlP2W&sig=P1DZ3cthWaYoTc9prxdtrFuMap8#v=onepage&q=Andrews%2C%20D%20and%20Bonta%2C%20J.%20(2010).%20The%20Psychology%20of%20Criminal%20Conduct&f=false Cesare Lombroso. (n.d.). Cesare Lombroso: A Brief Biography.
O’Connor, T. (2004). In crime theories, mega links in criminal justice. Scully, D. (2012). Psychological and Biological Theories of Criminal Conduct.
Tewksbury, R. (2009). Qualitative versus Quantitative Methods: Understanding Why Qualitative
Methods are Superior for Criminology Criminal Justice. Journal of Theoretical and