PBIS Multi-Tiered Positive Behavior Support Framework Components

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- Word count: 1141
- Category: Behavior
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Order NowTeaching student’s instructional material has become challenging for educators, because much of their class time is being spent addressing behavioral obstacles within the classroom. When a student interrupts their class to seek peer attention by inappropriately blurting out, distracting others, horse playing, and getting out of his/her seat, it can be disruptive to a student who is trying to learn and can also take away from instructional time.
Although all children misbehave at some point, they eventually learn how to behave appropriately depending on the place they are at. However, some children require extra support and instruction to learn how to follow rules and behave appropriately. A teacher’s most effective tool is his/her ability to prevent inappropriate behavior from occurring in the classroom. Positive Behavioral Intervention and Support (PBIS) is a multi-tiered framework that helps teachers achieve important behavior changes and academic with their students.
Such as off task behaviors, peer attention blurting out, incomplete work and using proactive strategies to prevent problems before they occur. PBSI a multi-tiered system designed to be inclusive of all environments and link research-validated practices. “ PBIS refer to both a philosophy and array of research-based practices that emerged as a result of concerns about aversive, punitive, approaches for coping with challenging behaviors” Scheuermann;
Hall 2016 pg. 14 paragraph 2.PBIS provides positive strategies for managing unacceptable behavior from being reactive, using punitive responses, to challenging behavior by using proactive to prevention of the behavioral problems, teaching and encouraging appropriate behavior and managing the learning environment using research-based strategies. The three tiered model that Positive Behavior Intervention and Support components creates and sustains primary school wide, secondary classroom, and tertiary individual systems of support that improve results for desired behavior.
The Primary prevention called universal level tier 1 and is used school-wide for all students, staff, and settings the results of 80% behavioral and academic expectancy. “Universal level behavioral approach include establishing and teaching school-wide expectations, acknowledging rule-following behavior, and monitoring behavioral indicators to quickly identify students who are not responding to the universal level strategies” Scheuermann; Hall 2016. The primary prevention includes procedures for teaching school and classroom expected behavior, and is a continuum of procedures for encouraging appropriate behavior.
An example of a procedure that can be used for teaching school and classroom behavioral expectations is: “always do your best, do as asked, use your inside voice, and raise your hand to speak. John I like the way you are staying in your seat working. You are following the class rules. Good job! ” Primary prevention precludes the development of new incidents involving problem behaviors, by implementing a healthy, high quality learning environment for all students, staff, and settings.
“Universal-level behavioral approaches include: establishing and teaching school-wide expectations, acknowledging rule-following behaviors, and monitoring behavioral indicators to quickly identify students who are not responding to the universal-level strategies (Scheuermann; Hall, 2016). The secondary tier of PBIS is the target level. Secondary prevention also called tertiary a specific small group system for some students who exhibit at risk behaviors that needed individualized strategies.
In the target level students may have an IEP if there is evidence of an underlying disability, and requires comprehensive assessment to determine if the student has a disability under IDEA or 504. If a student has an IEP and their behaviors hinder their learning, specialized instruction is needed to help set goals for their educational progress. These students may receive instruction in a small group setting that targets deficit areas, such as reading fluency or writing, and will be monitored frequently to check their progress.
Also, a behavior contract can be put in place to monitor a student’s behavior, to meet a preset goal as well to increase self-regulation and self-control with a reward system. Secondary behavior interventions may include: social skills instruction for identified students, or frequent reminders and feedback about expected behavior. A student who has a mentor that checks in with them on a daily or weekly basis to discuss goals, expectation, and progress is an example of secondary behavior intervention.
If a student is unresponsive to primary intervention practices, secondary prevention can be used as means to decrease the frequency and intensity of incidents of inappropriate behavior. The last component of PBIS is tertiary intervention. The tertiary-level of PBIS provides therapeutic intervention for students. On the tertiary-level academic intervention might involve individualized reading or mathematics instruction using a separate curriculum and specialized instructional methods” Scheuermann; Hall 2016.
An example of this would be an FBA based behavior support plan that integrates observations and behavioral therapy. This level involves an FBA-based behavior intervention plan, replacement behavior training, and home and community support for high risk behaviors. A student with disruptive behavior who has a disability or has difficulty completing their schoolwork, may receive a behavioral plan that addresses those behaviors and helps the student display more appropriate.
Parent involvement is a key factor in establishing a behavior plan, because parent input is valuable and they know more about their child behavior. Parent participation in targeting goals it sometime changes problem behavior to more acceptable behaviors. The tertiary tier involves reducing the frequency, intensity, and complexity of behavior problems, that are resistant to primary or secondary intervention by providing most individualized responses to situations where inappropriate behavior is most likely to occur.
Tertiary-level academic intervention may require the use of a separate curriculum with specialized instructional methods, including individualized reading and/or math plans. “Tertiary-level behavioral interventions involve both the careful assessment and analysis of behavior, and individual specific interventions which may include social services and/or mental health services in addition to school-based intervention” Scheuermann; Hall, 2016.
PBIS is a multi-tiered positive behavior support framework, in which three tiers join to form a model that is designed to enhance the quality of life and minimize problem behavior for students with intellectual disabilities. The primary level—also known as the universal-level—consists of prevention strategies that are implemented school-wide, for all students, staff, and settings, to promote good behavior and proactive classroom management. The second tier is called secondary intervention because some students have been identified with a deficit and need intervention control their behavior for academic success.
Intervention is implemented for at risk students who may need small groups and individualized strategy plans to succeed educationally and socially. The tertiary level targets high risk students who in need of intense individualized intervention through assessment of behavior. A FBA-based behavior intervention plan, replacement behavior training, and home and community support are examples of intervention strategies that can be used in conjunction with PBIS. Concluding sentence.
The model below illustrates the concept of PBIS support framework.
Tier III Individual Support for a Few
FBA-based behavior
Staff Training for
Long Term Intervention
Tier II Support for Some
Self- Monitoring
Mentor Program
Tier I Support for ALL
Proactive Classroom management
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