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Paper Flower

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Paper is a thin material mainly used for writing upon, printing upon, drawing or for packaging. The word “paper” is etymologically derived from Latin papyrus, which comes from the Greek Ļ€Ī¬Ļ€Ļ…ĻĪæĻ‚ (papuros), the word for the Cyperus papyrus plant. It is produced by pressing together moist fibers, typically cellulose pulp derived from wood, rags or grasses, and drying them into flexible sheets. In papermaking a dilute suspension of fibrous materials in water is drained through a screen, so that a mat of randomly interwoven fibers is laid down. Water is removed from this mat of fibers by pressing and drying to make paper. The production and use of paper has a number of adverse effects on the environment. The researchers of the study conceptualized a method to make recycled papers using alternative fibrous materials like leaves and flowers that are vastly available in the locality without causing any harm to the environment thus limiting the cutting of trees. Bougainvillea is sometimes referred to as “paper flower” because their bracts are thin and papery.

Its leaves and flowers are fibrous and have an immense potential for making paper. Bougainvillea is a genus of flowering plants native to South America. The first species recorded in the Philippines was Bougainvillea spectabilis. The other species, B. glabra and B. peruviana were introduced much later. The plant is a woody climber that can grow to a height of more than 10 meters, with large thorny stems and long drooping branches. The leaves are dark green, petioled, alternate, ovate, with entire margins, broadest near the base. Thorns are the axils that assist the plant in climbing. Flowers are small, each inserted on a bract, tubular, inflated midway through its length, of varying colors like red, purple, pink, yellow or white. The study intends to identify if the paper produced from the leaves and flowers of Bougainvillea has comparable qualities as to the paper derived from treesā€™ trunks. B. Statement of the Problem

What are the properties/qualities of paper made from Bougainvillea leaves, Bougainvillea flowers, and used bond papers?

Hypothesis: If there is a significant difference in paper produced from Bougainvillea leaves, Bougainvillea flowers, and used bond papers, then the result will differ in:

* Durability

* Quality- appearance, texture, ability to absorb ink

General Objective:
* To compare the durability and quality of papers made from Bougainvillea leaves and flowers to those industrially-available papers. Specific objective:
* To know if Bougainvillea leaves and flowers have potential properties in paper making. C. Significance of the Study

In the whole world, there is an increasing need for paper. The lack of supply can be projected in the near future. This reality prompted the researchers to conduct a study about alternative ways in producing paper.

Every year more trees are being cut to meet the worldā€™s demand for paper. With this study, it will help and save the mother earth from continuous deforestation. It is better to choose responsible forestry over deforestation. The environmental impact of paper is significant, which has led to changes in industry and behavior at both business and personal levels. With the use of modern technology such as the printing press and the highly mechanized harvesting of wood, paper has become a cheap commodity. This has led to a high level of consumption and waste. The study intends to find out if Bougainvillea leaves and Bougainvillea flowers can be used as raw materials for paper making. The purpose of the study is to increase awareness of alternative environmental products and their uses. D. Scope and Limitations

The scope of this study is to identify the likelihood of using Bougainvillea leaves and Bougainvillea flowers for making paper and also to find for the possibility of using Bougainvillea leaves and Bougainvillea flowers(petals) for paper making.. It will also compare the final product to ordinary papers available in the market in terms of durability and quality.


1. Burger, Peter. Charles Fenerty and his Paper Invention. Toronto: Peter Burger, 2007. ISBN 978-0-9783318-1-8 pp.25-30 2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Papermaking. Retrieved 2013-01-24 3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paper. Retrieved 2013-01-24 4. Library of Congress. (2006). The Deterioration and Preservation of Paper: Some Essential Facts, Retrieved 2013-01-24, from http://www.loc.gov/preserv/deterioratebrochure.html. 5. http://www.stuartxchange.org/Bogambilya.html. Retrieved 2013-01-24

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