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Online Directory

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Information technology has transformed the way companies conduct business. Technology allows businesses to automate manual operations and process information much faster. In the past, these methods consisted of person to person referrals and paper ads in newspapers and magazines. In the modern times of technology, there are new ways that companies are breaking out into the computer world through advertising and marketing. Probably the most innovating thing on the Internet for businesses is to use an online directory. These websites and virtual phonebooks provide easy ways for companies to spread the word out about their work, and put all of their contact information and details in one place (Parker, 2009).

One of the most elementary advantages to a business directory is the ability to look up information on a company much quicker as compared to an old fashioned phone book. Most of the information you need can be found by simply entering the company name and city the business is located in. This will get you any basic information you need such as physical address, phone number, and often times even a URL to the business’ website. Online directories can really come in handy when you want to search a certain geographical area for a particular kind of business. For instance, maybe to know you need to hire a landscaper within a certain amount of miles from a certain address. In this case, you will be able to produce a list of companies that fit these search criteria within the directory. This type of application can help you compare and contrast companies based on where they are in proximity to your location as well as though any comments left on their profile page that may give insight into the quality of services they provide (Panlaque, 2011).

With the importance of ecommerce, every business however big or small has an online presence. With the number of browsers increasing everyday there is no better way to showcase a business or product. Fast411 is the fastest growing Internet local search platform covering the United States. They provide detailed and accurate results focusing on relevant local listings. Fast411 currently provides many Internet and mobile search solutions while expanding into future technologies. Fast411 robust online directory combines comprehensive data and a unique user experience with maps and satellite images provided by Google. These directories are quite beneficial in increasing the traffic back to the site. Linking the site to the right type of directory will definitely get greater visibility for the site that is the most important thing in creating brand or a product recall. Online directories have links to other web sites that are listed by interest or by product making this easy for someone looking for information. With an online directory there are categories on the site that feature the product and service ensuring a larger number of hits by interested customers (White son, 2012).

According to Lowe, An online directory especially in business offers many benefits to anybody who is smart and knowledgeable enough to use one. An online business directory is not a very hard concept to understand; in fact, it is pretty much exactly what it sounds like. Many of these directories can give users links to valuable resources that may be able to help users out with their business. At the same time, an online business directory is also a great place to go if you are simply looking for information. It can be great alternatives to always using a search engine in order to find the information that you are searching for. Aside from this, it can also be a great way to promote your business as well. By getting links placed in the appropriate category, it will increase the chances of driving traffic to your site. This is one of the best ways to get people to visit your site, yet it is often overlooked by many website owners (Lowe, 2006).

In Singapore, streetDB.com or Singapore Street Directory is an interactive online street directory equipped with Singapore location maps, driving directions and travel guides. StreetDB.com is designed around a user-friendly interface, providing essential and useful information for locals, tourists, drivers and expatriates as a free resource for non-commercial usage. StreetDB.com is a joint collaboration between AGIS and SingaporeExpats.com. Powered by AGIS map data and managed by SingaporeExpats.com, StreetDB.com aims to be the leading online Street Directory (streetDB.com,2008).

In Philippines, one example of an online directory is destinationph.com. It is an online directory featuring travel and destination guides for the major tourist spots in the Philippines entire region. The website is a trusted resource where you can easily find, information and travel ideas in coming to 1107 island archipelago- Philippines. Browse thousands of cruises, hotels, villas, restaurants, activities and shops to plan your perfect Philippine vacation. Hotels found or published in this website are affiliates and sourced from a third party provider to offer you a much comprehensive and complete list of available hotels and accommodations that suit your needs. All transactions shall be redirected to a secure hotel booking sites of your choice (destinationph.com, 2008). The use of online directories has proven essential when it comes to increasing your business exposure to a large demographic. Online directories are quick and convenient, making them the preferred method of finding a business by consumers worldwide. This is why the developers came out of developing an Online Directory for Bonuan Tondaligan so to promote the businesses along the vicinity of the booming Bonuan Tondaligan beach and to provide information to prospective tourists with general knowledge including the place profile, demographics, landmarks, shed listings, gallery and locations.

Conceptual Framework
The conceptual framework identifies and discusses the variables related to the proposed Online Directory for Bonuan Tondaligan. The developers come up with a research paradigm that will serve as a guide in order to develop an Online Directory for Bonuan Tondaligan. Figure 1.1 shows the paradigm of the study Online Directory for Bonuan Tondaligan. The input variable consists of the contents of the website, the hardware and software requirements of the system and the features to be included in the system. The process shows software development methodology used in the project which is the Rapid Application Development model. The phases of this methodology include requirements planning, design, construction, implementation and testing of the system. The methodology used was suitable for development of computer aided instructions because of its relaxed approach to formal procedures, documents and reviews which results to the development of Online Directory for Bonuan Tondaligan.

Statement of the Objectives
This study aims to design, develop and test an Online Directory System for Bonuan Tondaligan. Specifically it sought to accomplish the following:

1. Identify the contents of the website;
2. Identify the hardware and software requirements of the system;
3. Describe the features of the system; and
4. Test the acceptability of the system.

Significance of the Study
The following entities are the stakeholders benefited from by the system: City of Dagupan. The city can promote the tourism through the system thus it can provide the opportunity for employment in the city. BonuanTondaligan. This system can help the Barangay to promote the business establishments within the Bonuan Tondaligan including the sheds located in the sea shores. This provides a marketing strategy which is effective, low cost, and can reach wide range of possible customers. Shed Owner. The system acts as additional promotions for the shed owners on their services and the specific location of their shed. Tourist/s. The tourist or the people would have an easy retrieving of the information of how to get there to Bonuan Tondaligan. It helps the tourist communicates with the other people. Developers.

The developers are benefitted from this study by enhancing their knowledge and skills in system development using PHP and Macromedia Flash. In developing the system, the developers improve their skills in researching, conducting interview and observation. This study also developed their cooperativeness, wit and perseverance during the documentation stage. The knowledge they gained in this study will be applied on future tasks. Future Developers. This study provides basis for future studies related in interactive system. This system will give an overview of how to develop an interactive teaching material using the same software or any platform that has the same or better capability. Scope and Limitations

The study is entitled “Online Directory for Bonuan Tondaligan” specifically its focus on the shed locations and landmarks for Bonuan Tondaligan beach. The main purpose of the study is to show the most important details needed for the information of tourism in Bonuan Tondaligan such as the shed number, shed name, services offered, prices and locations for prospective tourists. Additional scope of the websites includes an overview history for the town of Bonuan Tondaligan and a detailed route on how to get at Bonuan Tondaligan for Tourists who are coming outside the Pangasinan area. The system delimits transactions like shed reservations or hotel reservations and any other services such as online payments and uploading or downloading files. Definition of Terms

The following provides a description on terms used in this documentation to further ease the understanding of this project. Acceptability. This refers to authoritative or standard; conforming to an accepted rule or procedure. When referring to programming, it means conforming to well established patterns or rules. The term is typically used to describe whether or nota programming interface follows the already established standard. Directory. This refers to alphabetical or classified listings of names, addresses, and other data such as contact numbers of specific person, groups or firms. Feature. This refers to a notable property of a device or software application such as the services that the website offers to the tourists or guest.

Guestbook. Refers to an electronic or a paper means for a visitor to acknowledge a visit to a site, physically or web-based and leave details such as their name, postal or electronic address and any comments or feedback to the host or site owner. Map. This refers to any geographic image of physical representation of environment, draw usually to scale a flat surface. Online. It refers to a state where system is connected through a commercial electronic information service or the internet.

Online Directory. Refers to a specialized database that stores and retrieves collections of information about objects. The information can represent any resources that require management. Online Directory for Bonuan Tondaligan. This refers to the developed system which will help in promoting tourism for Bonuan Tondaligan. It comprises list of registered sheds in Bonuan Tondaligan beach and provides an accurate direction on how to get at Bonuan Tondaligan.

Requirements. The hardware and software components of a computer system that arerequired to install and use software efficiently. Shed Locator. This refers to the feature of Online Directory for Bonuan Tondaligan which lists the different shed or beach huts in the Bonuan Tondaligan beach. It includes the shed and owners name , the capacity and the rate of the shed per hour.

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