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Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

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After taking the Jung Typology Test, I get a score with various percentages and my MBTI is ESTP (Extraverted Sensing Thinking Perceiving) (HumanMetrics, 2010). From the test, I realize that there are many ways of understanding individual personalities and how such personalities foster team building and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is one of ways. MBTI is a questionnaire which is used to evaluate on how people see the world and make judgments basing them on their psychological preferences (Bayne 1997). MBTI is extensively applied and greatly regarded structure for considerable interpretation of personalities which has greatly derived its underpinning theory from psychological ideas of Carl Jung. This theory was developed by Myers Briggs with the help of Katherine Briggs her mother into a better methodology and a platform for assessing personality in a more easy and accessible manner.

 Myers Briggs aim of developing the ‘personal inventory’ system is to ensure that theory described by Carl G Jung of psychological types is meaningful in the lives of individuals. MBTI instrument has criticism on whether it is convincing enough to validate the personality of an individual (Bayne 1997). However, the pro-MBTI argues that the indicator is far much better than other psychological instruments. MBTI instrument helps in understanding yourself as well as others who you work together with. When someone understands him/herself is of great importance in team building since all the members of the team will work towards achieving the common goal of all the individuals in the team. It helps in changing the individual work styles since they have to change them in order to suit every one in the place of work (Bayne 1997).


Rowan Bayne, 1997, The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator: a critical review and practical guide.  Nelson Thornes.

 HumanMetrics, Jung Typology Test <http://www.humanmetrics.com> accessed on July 25,    2010

   Personality type <http://www.personlalitytype.com> accessed on July 25, 2010

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