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Looking for Alaska

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Should all grade 10 students be studying ‘Looking for Alaska’?
John Green, author of the novel ‘Looking for Alaska’, writes about a normal teenager’s journey through high school. Therefore, it would be accurate to say, this book will relate to many elements of how a grade ten student might feel. All grade ten students are eligible to read ‘Looking for Alaska’. This novel is also appropriate for all level readers. John Green describes many situations a high school student can relate to, the novel gives true sense to love, friendship and loss. Also, ‘Looking for Alaska’ clarifies that there is more to life and any person that can be experienced or known.

Firstly, ‘Looking for Alaska’ is suitable for all grade ten students. Which is because this book relates to several conflicts a teenager may face in high school. Ultimately, this book is about a boy whose name is Miles Halter, and his journey throughout the junior year of a new high school. “I am going to start seeking a Great Perhaps, so I don’t have to wait until I die to do so” (Green, 5). Miles Halter states this before attending his new high school, a new journey. Great Perhaps is not complicated to find in a great voyage, and high school is where most people find it. During this novel, John Green creates emotion, drama, and thrill in his characters, mostly Miles Halter. Miles is introduced to smoking, drinking and Alaska Young; who he eventually falls in love with “If people were rain, I was frizzle and she was a hurricane” (Green, 88); was Miles description of Alaska as he began falling for her. A high school student can relate to all the above. Growing up in high school and being a part of society, few teenagers also experience drinking, smoking, and love.

Friendship and loss are emphasized in the novel. Miles and Alaska’s friendship develops a lot. His feeling for Alaska grows as their friendship progresses. Though Alaska never thought of Miles in such way he states “
I will always love Alaska Young, my crooked neighbor, with all me crooked heart” (Green, 218). He also became really good friends with his roommate Chip; and his friend. Friendship among Miles and his friends are strange but honest. The reader is able to relate or learn from the friendship described of this novel, since friendship plays a very important role in our lives. In the novel, Alaska loses her mother as an eight year old girl. This left her in regret as she could not do anything about it. Alaska also passes away in the novel, in a car accident. Her death left all her friends in grief, mostly Miles. “Someday no one will remember she existed” (Green, 196). He wrote, because he believed memories fall apart, too. Then you’re left with nothing; left not even with ghost but with its shadow. Everyone in their life has experienced loss. It may not be permanent but the scar of is not any kinder.

There is more to life and more to any person that can be experienced or known is taught in this novel by the eyes of Miles Halter, by John Green. Throughout this novel, Miles reads biographies and memorizes people last words to try to understand what kind of people they were. He looks for meaning and the truth of the words that are recorded after a person dies. Alaska believes that people are complex beyond anyone’s ability to understand. Miles is devastated that he will never know Alaska’s last words. He feels like someone who has lost his glasses and is told that there are no more glasses in the world, and he will “just have to go without” (Green 144). Miles suffers through various afflictions, as he believes he will never know the world through the eyes of Alaska Young ever again. Eventually, Miles realizes that “we are greater than the sum of our parts,” and because energy can never be created nor destroyed, “that part us greater than the sum of our parts cannot begin and cannot end, and so it cannot fail” (Green 220-221).

In conclusion, “Looking for Alaska” the novel which won ‘the best book written for teens, based entirely on it literary meaning’ by John Green; is evidently appropriate for all grade ten students. The novel had accomplished its goal to teenagers in high school. ‘Looking for Alaska’ gives true meaning of the most important parts of a teenagers life; friendship, loss and love. This novel educates of life and the more to any person that can be experienced or known.

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