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Literature: A Mold

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When people began to talk they had a form of communication. The next step they wanted was a way to express themselves in other ways than speech, literature was born. When most people think of literature they think of books and writing, this is an assumption that is not true. Not all literature is so. Literature comes in many forms, it makes who we are, and makes the future. People use this every day, everywhere, to better themselves and leave a history behind.

Literature does not have to be confined to just text, for it is anything that could express yourself. Other forms such as paintings, photographs, and even cartoons are considered literature because they all express themselves in some form. When you read a comic like “Calvin and Hobbes” does it not express its ideals though the comic? Literature is an art where everyone around the world can participate, for anything they do can be a form it whether it be expressive dancing, music or the commonly used writing. Anything that can be left behind somehow is also a part of its meaning.

The art of literature is used everywhere in the world. Bibles use it to tell about god and their beliefs for their people to follow. Poems express compassion and feelings for others to see. Music sheets left behind for others to play tell the emotion of the composer and music of the time. Literature helps people to understand feelings that they would never think of or understand those feelings better. For example, if a person writes about love and you learn something new about it that literature has served its purpose to help you learn.

When I began going to school, I was at a loss to speak to classmates. Then drawing, a form of literature, emerged. Expressing myself though this by showing my happiness or sadness with these characters I was learning to draw. Doing this helped me gain confidence to talk to others for when others would come by curious about what my work was I would answer. This helped me gain enough confidence to begin talking more and more. This form of literature has helped me a lot through my life, which has also given me another option as a job, a cartoonist.

Literature will remain the identical in this time and in the future, people will have read or seen things from the past and will continue to make it the same, as we have done the same with our past. I do not believe that this is something that can be “improved” or changed, it is part of human roots and fundamentals. Our ascendants did it and so will we; because expression and emotions are something’s that you can never change it will always be the same whatever you do. This is also something that will never go away because it all stems from emotions, and these can never go away. There will always be emotions affecting a person’s life somehow.

This is also a way that humans show their civility and distance themselves from animals. Animals can communicate with each other, but how many have tried expressing their emotions in a non-physical way? Humans have literature to help them do this and display their talents as well.

In summation, literature shapes our world and helps people to understand themselves and others. When people read books or view art they are affected somehow by their own emotions which would cause them to display those in some way or form. This art is something that can not go away no matter what anyone does because everyone, as humans, have and will do this at one point in their lives. Yet why would anyone want to get rid of something so wondrous? . Literature is a mold that can be shaped into anything people want it could be opinion, expression, feelings, thoughts whatever people can think of there will be no end.

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