Ketamine Case
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Order NowKetamine was developed in the early 1960’s. It is dissociative anesthetic and is used in human and veterinary medicines but, it is primarily used for anesthesia. Ketamine is under the category of Hallucinogens. Hallucinogens interfere with the brain and the central nervous system by in radical distortions of a user’s perception of reality. Images, sensations, and sounds with be experienced but don’t actually exist.
When you take ketamine the short term effects are… sleepiness, confusion, loss of coordination, blurred vision, inability to speak, fever, nausea and vomiting, increased blood pressure and heart rate, memory loss, nose bleeds, unpleasant taste, decreased response to pain. The long term effects are… effects include increased heart rate and blood pressure, nausea, vomiting, numbness, depression, amnesia, hallucinations and potentially fatal respiratory problems. Ketamine users can also develop cravings for the drug. At high doses, users experience an effect referred to as “K-Hole,” an “out of body” or “near-death” experience. Sometimes this isn’t always long term effects they can end up stay for a short time.
After taking ketamine the drug is absorbed into the bloodstream where it goes into your brain. In the brain, it acts by redistributing a neurotransmitter (brain chemical) called glutamate. Glutamate is a type of neurotransmitter involved in memory, learning, the perception of pain and responses to the environment. The speed at which ketamine reaches the brain varies greatly. After someone snort’s it the effects usually are felt within 1-10 minutes after snorted and can last up to an hour. When you take it by mouth the effects are not as quick as when you snort it and can last up to four hours.
is a powerful hallucinogen and large doses are not recommended for newcomers to Some facts about ketamine are… Ketamine is not physically addictive. But recent research point to Ketamine being extremely habit-forming, especially for people that inject it into themselves. People also smoke powdered Ketamine in a joint it is not especially pleasant and will not noticeably speed up the onset of the Ketamine effect. People can die for taking ketamine but it is extremely rare. You will pass out long before you could administer a lethal dose (4.5 grams and above). However, Ketamine psychedelic experiences.