Kem Bina Semangat Ampang Pecah

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- Category: Experiences Life
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Kem Bina Semangat Ampang Pecah that state in Kuala Kubu Bharu, Selangor is the place where we can go for purposes. We can do a lot of activities recreation with the suitable surrounding. People who looking for extreme activities can go to Kem Bina Semangat Ampang Pecah and will get more experience in that place. The camp is situated away from city and surrounded by the pristine freshness of the morning air. An environment that is conductive for the development of mental, spiritual and physical fitness activities. It is located about 65 km from the city of Kuala Lumpur and 4 km from Kuala Kubu Bharu town. Selangor.
The Selangor State Government on 8th may 1992 has handed over this camp to Yayasan Selangor, which is one of the Selangor Government Corporation registered under the Companies Act 1965. Besides, the activity that provided by the camp such as
Water Activities :-
River cross
White water rafting
Land Activites :-
Physical Training
Trust Fail
Initiative Game
Jungle Trekking
High Rope Course
Rock Climbing
Night Trekking
Aerobic Exercise
The main objective of this camp is to produce responsible and motivated communities who are physically and spiritually strong to support vision of 2020.
On 12th September 2014, I as a student of Diploma in Hospitality and Tourism Management under subject Recreation Management went to camping. Our lecturer Ms Jane Anak Abi that is lecturer who teach us how to conduct the vamp. Another guidance lecturer that followed us to the camp at Kem Bina Semangat Ampang Pecah, Kuala Kubu Bharu, Selangor. Beside, student of diploma, bachelors also join the camp under the same subject.
Objective for the camp that I have join is we can increase the confident level. Example, before this, got some students that low confident with water or adventure activity, so in this camp, they can reduce nervous or any feeling that can make their confident become low. This camp is actually same with PLKN but more fun. Second, can learn something new about the safety part. For example how to safe ourselves during drum, or any cautious happened. Lastly, we’ve learned about how to modified rafting and how to use it.
Why we choose Kem Semangat Ampang Pecah, Kuala Kubu Bharu, Selangor? Is because at this camp there have complete equipment for student to use and get the experience. Besides equipment, the facilities and also accommodation such as, hostel, toilet, mingle around, cafeteria and etc.
first session that we did was committee appointment was chosen by our lecturer, Ms Jane based on her observation during class since the first class. And then, we formed a committee with their own position before the trip such :
Programmed Manager : Kumar
Asst P. Manager : Nur Faizah
Secretary : Siti Sarah
Asst Secretary : Teo
Treasurer : Shazleen Akmar Safety & Health : Muhammad Shamil
F&B : Amirul Hakim Lodging And Transportation : Asyraf
Photographer : Siti Ermanadia
For participant that join the camp was diploma and bachelor in Hospitality and Tourism Management who taking subject Recreation Management in this semester. This camping is actually replacement of mid semester exam for diploma student.
The secretary, Siti Sarah, her job was completing itinerary and proposal with conducted by the lecturer, Ms Jane. The proposal was sending to president office to take permission from Tan Sri. Beside, the assistant secretary, Teo (Bachelor Student) He took a job to handle all about bachelors which in term of collecting money, spread the information to bachelor and etc. For treasurer, Shazleen, she was collected money RM205 per student. Shamil as the safety and health committee tahe part in term preparing the checklist and also the important things which is first aid. In addition food and beverage committee take note about students who has food allergic.
2.2 Travel To
All the participants gathered at the MSU U-Globe, in that place we make registration session. The registration includes concern later checking, attendance sign, check list, photo taking and basic things. We use to types of transportation, which is car and bus. Participants went by bus and the committee and Ms Jane went by car. We depart at 9 am sharp from MSU campus to Kem Bina Semangat Ampang Pecah, Kuala Kubu Bharu, Selangor. The destination took 1-hour travel. During the travel, we stop at R&R Rawang for break.
Around 10 am, we arrived at Kem Bina Semangat Ampang Pecah, Kuala Kubu Bharu, and Selangor. We’re welcome by instructor Abang Zack and Atok. They gave us time to prepare ourself before class start. Other itinenary, I will explain in the next topic.
2.3 On-Site
a) Date : 12TH September 2014
Location : Lecture Hall
Activity : Ice Breaking Part 1/Perform Jumaat prayer/Navigation Theory/ Navigation Practical/ Ice Breaking Part 2/ Culture Night Performance Practice
Briefing given by Abang Zack, he introduce all the instructor that will conduct us during the camp. He explains all the rules and regulation, the itinerary and the other activities that will be conduct for the whole day. Abang Zack and Atok conducted ice-breaking part 1 where they know the students by choosing a new committee at the camp.
Next is, we had a lunch at cafeteria before we start the first activity which is navigation theory. We were divided into a group. Class navigation theory is conduct by instructor, Atok. He explained all the technique from the map reading and how to use compass.
After the navigation theory class ends, we proceed with the next activity which is navigation practical. This activity need to walk around using the compass and the map given. In this activity, they can know either group of students understand or not the way to read the map and how to use compass.
At night, we continued with another ice breaking part 2. The game was given by Atok and need to use a creative thinking in how to solve problem. The last activity was culture night performance practice. My group was decided to make short story about typical Malaysian in Malaysia.
b) Date : 13 September 2014
Location: Padang Kawad/ Boat House/ Lake
Activity: Aerobic/ Kayaking/ Water confident/ Rafting/
Culture Night Performance/ BBQ
Day 2, we woke up at 6 am and perform Subuh. Next, we gathered at Padang Kawad by 7 am for exercise. The exercise was lead by Abang Zack. After that we took a breakfast at cafeteria and gathered back at boathouse for a short briefing about kayak. The briefing was given by Atok and held by other instructors Abang Zack and Abang Uchu. Around 1 hour for a briefing we need to find a partner and take kayak for a practical.
Then, water confident activity was conduct by Abang Zack. He showed us demo and students need to follow him in a group of 10. Next activity was water rafting. Before that, we gathered again at boathouse after lunch for next briefing about modified rafting. We were given the equipment to make a rafting with a specific time (1 hour). When the rafting ready to use, we carried the rafting boat to the lake.
During night, we are having culture night performance activity. The judges were our lecturer Ms Jane and Sir Safarin. Last activity was a BBQ.
c) Date: 14TH September 2014
Location: Padang Kawad/ Forest
Activity: Aerobic / Jungle trekking / Survival / River Crossing / Closing ceremony
Day 3, we are having aerobic in the morning. Then we had a breakfast after the exercise. We gathered again at lecturer hall and make a preparation for the activity, jungle trekking that lead by Abang Zack. Distribute the food and also the mineral water. We start our jungle activity at Padang Kawad. We stopped at every checkpoint in the jungle.
When we arrived at the last checkpoint, we stopped for a survival briefing by Atok. Then, we were given a chance to try the survival food. The last activity in the jungle was a river crossing
In our back to camp, we need to cross a river. After arrived at camp, we prepared (packing bag, make sure the dorm is clean) for closing ceremony. In a closing ceremony, we were given a gift from Abang Zack to all group.
2.4 Travel Back
After the closing ceremony, we depart from Kem Bina Semangat Ampang Pecah, Kuala Kubu Bharu, Selangor at 5pm. 46 participants including 1 lecturer heading back by bus and the other 6 including 1 lecturer heading back by car. We arrived at MSU campus around 7 pm.
2.5 Recollection
What I get from the ‘MSU Outdoor Adventure Camp’ is how to handle myself in daily life in tem timing. Confident level and also experiencing in the recreation adventure activity. All the knowledge were given by the instructors Abang Zack, Atok and Abang Uchu. They motivated us how to be Noble person in life. In term of confident level, we were given a task to kayaking and water rafting. With that, we indirectly will know about how to self our life.
In this adventure camp that our subject provided, I got a lots of knowledge in how to handle a camping. The best moment in the camp was all the adventure activities such as kayaking, rafting, and jungle trekking. Other moment that I got from the camp was a gathering time such as playing game (ice breaking time). We Gathered with all the students (Diploma and Bachelors).
3.1 Conclusion
I got many experience from the camping that I’ve join. In the MSU outdoor adventure camp, main personal positive out come and value that I’ve learn from the practical activities such as first is well manage the activities. The activities going well without any problem happened.
Secondly, is discipline. Discipline in term of timing (punctual) and control the attitude. Beside, well behave at the new place is one of the discipline part in the camping. Next is, get close with each other. In this positive out come, the activity that happen at the camp was mostly need to gather with all the participant.
Lastly is, how to be responsible to all the job and duties given as well to completed the task during the activity. I really enjoyed the camp and I hope next time I will join the adventure camp like this. Thanks.
3.2 Recommendation
I as the student who join the camping for 3 days and 2 night at Kem Bina Semangat Ampang Pecah, Kuala Kubu Bharu, Selangor. They should open the café at night for the people to get their leisure time after the activities to avoid bored. They also need to improve their facilities to a modern world example rebuild the toilet and make it better than now.