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A Synopsis Of The Movie Spellbound

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Dry. Maraschinos, also has a psychological disorder. He fits the stereotype of narcissistic parasite. A narcissistic parasite is someone who is in love with themselves, is selfish, and does not think about others. Dry. Maraschinos best fits this stereotype because he is the one who kills the real Dry. Edwards and he lets John carry around the blame of thinking he, John himself, killed the real Dry. Edwards.

Therefore he is selfish. He also pulls a gun on Dry. Peterson at the end when she confronts him about the killing of Dry. Edwards, and the only reason he doesn’t shoot her is because she reminds him that he’ll go to jail if he does. So again, he is being selfish. The movie accurately portrays the disorder of Narcissistic Personality Disorder to an extent because they do represent Dry. Maraschinos as someone who is extremely selfish and narcissistic.

He has the need to feel like he is safe and fine even if that means others suffer because of it such as when he hid that he was the one that killed Dry. Edwards even though John, literally, went crazy thinking he was the one that accidentally killed him. Work Cited/Bibliography Psych Central Staff.

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