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A Synopsis of the Movie Bontoc Eulogy

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The film “Boonton Eulogy” is about an American-Filipino man searching for his roots. He looked for confirmation and facts through the mountain province where he got actual footages of how the Giorgio are living and through different museums and records in the United States. He edited all his clips and re- enactments and made a whole narrative out of it. He made the film a story of how his Igor ancestor Marko was peacefully living in the Mountain provinces and how he was just simply separated from his own family to be displayed for he civilized men to see in the SST.

Loss’ World Fair in 1904. At the end he showed himself looking for artifacts and relics in different museums and end the story of himself wondering whether he will find his lost Igor ancestor or not. This film was a combination of facts and fiction. The actual footages were all real but the narrative that he made was all fiction. He may have an Igor ancestor but no one knows if this Igor ancestor of him is really part of the SST. Louis’ World Fair in 1904. Though the Igor ancestor story of him is just a fiction, we all know that action is sometimes necessary to light up the national consciousness in us.

Racial also used fiction in his time to uplift our desire for the better of our country. His novels were a great factor in building up the national consciousness of his fellow countrymen and lead them to fight for what is right for themselves and for their country. I was amazed how Maroon Funniest made this kind of film/documentary. Love how he touched our human emotions to nourish the nationalist dream inside us by using a documentary and creating a story of how the visuals, our natives suffered in the SST. Louis World Fair in 1904.

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