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A comparison between the movie “Enough”

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The entire movie reminded me of the book we read for class, Black and Blue, because any things are similar and the two lead characters are battered woman fighting for their child’s future. In the movie, Lopez is a battered woman. Over time the abuse gets more and more obvious. She goes through every one of the steps that we talked about in class. The abuse starts out as anger caused from stress in the husbands work life and progresses into actual hitting. When Lopez begins to stand up for herself and their daughter, she finds out that the husband was cheating on her.

This sends the husband into a fit and he beats her again, but worse this time. Finally, Lopez decides to run away with the help of her friends that stand beside her. Unfortunately, he catches her and beats her almost to death. Again, this is a perfect example of the progression of the abuse. She tries to again run away and disappear, this time it works. She gets away. Just like in Black and Blue, Enough personalizes the mental and physical affects the abuse from a husband can cause.

Lopez has to cut her hair, get a new name, and try to build a new home for her and her child; just like Fran Benefited. You see Lopez cry, fight, and stand up straight in the face of her hurt. When she learns that her husband is searching for her (which they usually do when a wife runs away), she fights back. Given, this is a movie and not real life, but I believe that fighting back is exactly what a battered woman wants to do, but she doesn’t have the balls to do so. After making sure her daughter is safe and away from danger, she calls for help from her long lost father.

In real life, most women couldn’t do half of the things hat Lopez does in this movie, but it does what a movie is supposed to do: do the impossible and succeed in the goal by great means. In the end, Lopez kills her husband while he attempts to kill her. She sets him up in a way that he cannot escape, but she knows that if she doesn’t end his life, he will end hers. Again, it’s a movie, but it is what most women know when they are being abused. They have to go to extreme measures so they can be happy. Honestly chose this movie because it made me cry, just like in Black and Blue.

It couched me emotionally and it also made me understand on a different level that women actually go through this trauma. This movie is not a completely made up story. There are people out there that actually live in a similar situation as Lopez did in the movie. I also believe that for Sony Pictures to make a film like this is great. It reaches an audience and makes the subject of spousal abuse known to a large crowd. Maybe by making films like this one will cause the awareness of the problem to increase and therefore decrease the violence in the home.

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