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A Civil Action Movie Notes

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Had no evidence no real investigation no research RULE 11 is a nonsense because itā€™s so old Team of geologist and engineers are needed to show if the wells are actually contaminated 6 barrels were found in the back, in a pit Solventā€¦ In barrels They get dumped out back, in the ground (witness) Immune system of kids: tore down to nothing He was doing well, and he looked fineā€¦ T was abrupt Facer: ā€˜these people can never testifyā€™ Silicon and ETC are used to waterproof leather Silicon is poured onā€¦ O some of the spill will fall off of the ground 50 more barrels that city inspector didnā€™t find ā€œdump it out there in the gulledā€ Or dump it in a ditch Pour it into a pit Dump it into the swimming pool Lawsuit: compel the others to settle Schuman wants 25 mil cashā€¦ And another 25 mil to establish a research foundation to establish link between chemicals and illnessā€¦ 1. 5 mil annually for families for 30 years Facer claims that Schuman wants money

Geological evidence has to come first; there needs to be proof that the chemicals reach the wells first before the parents of victims can testify The questions were confusing Facer offer a 20 mil settlement for Beatrice WAR Grace: Yes on IQ Beatrice: No on all questions >> case has ended for them Grace offer 8 million Schuman said that he owed the families more than that 375 K per family The companies arenā€™t going to clean up the place Anne was not interested in money >> she still wanted the apology >> she said that he said that they apologized with their checkbooks >> Schuman said sorry, UT Anne said it was not meaningful The families even lost more that the lawyers Dump trucks full of scraps kids playing with fireā€¦ The water went up in flames Riley told the worker to keep his mouth shut with Celtic tickets APPEAL Judge Skinner found that John Riley deliberately concealed evidence at the trial. His tanner was torn down in 1990. WAR Grace was indicted by the Grand Jury for making false statements to the EPA regarding its use of ETC, acetone, and toluene.

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