Illustration Paragraph

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Step 5: Illustration Paragraph Final Draft
Directions: Turn off the “Track Changes” feature. Copy and paste your edited draft. Highlight it and choose “Accept Changes” if the document does not automatically make the changes for you. Save the changes to this document. Then use the link provided in Blackboard to submit that document to your instructor. The instructor should then be able to see the entire process you took to create your final draft
Many college students face a number of pressures. Many students have to manage a job while balancing school and their homework. It can be very demanding for a college students. Students also have financial pressures. One reason is many students have to pay for their college on their own. Some students also taken out student loans to pay for college. Which can leave them in debt after college. Another example of financial pressures for students is having to support a family while going to college. Supporting a family has its own pressure without going to college on top of supporting them. Many college students go to college in different cities and states. Students have to make new students have to adjust to a different area. Being a college student can be very rewarding, but there may also be a lot of pressures that need to be dealt with. .
Honor Statement
Please read and sign this honor statement prior to submitting your assignment:
By typing my name in the space provided, I certify that all words and ideas in my writing assignment are mine alone, and if I used another person’s words or ideas (by summarizing, paraphrasing, or directly quoting), I gave credit to that author, and I also put quotation marks around any direct quotations.
By signing my name, I also understand that if I have copied someone else’s
ideas or words, I have plagiarized, and I understand that the penalty for plagiarism is course failure.
Student Name: ______________________________________
Student: Name
Score: oMajor points are stated clearly and are well-supported. oContent is persuasive and comprehensive.
oContent and purpose of the writing is clear.
oThesis has a strong claim. The audience is clear and appropriate for the topic. oSupportive information (if required) is strong and addresses writing focus.
Major points are addressed, but clarity or support is limited. oContent is somewhat persuasive or comprehensive.
oContent is inconsistent (lack of clear purpose and/or clarity). oThesis could be stronger.
oSupportive information (if required) needs strengthening or does not address writing concepts.oMajor points are unclear and/or insufficiently supported. oContent is missing essentials.
oContent has unsatisfactory purpose, focus, and clarity.
oSupportive information (if required) is missing.
Organization and Structure
(CCLO #1)
Score: oWriting is well-structured, clear, and easy to follow. oIntroduction is compelling and forecasts the topic and thesis. oEach paragraph is unified and has a clear central idea.
oTransitional wording is present throughout the writing.
oConclusion is a logical end to the writing.oAdequately organized with some areas difficult to follow. oIntroduction needs to provide a stronger
gateway into the writing. oSome paragraphs lack unity.
Better transitions are needed to provide fluency of ideas. oConclusion is trite or barely serves its purpose.oOrganization and structure detract from the writer’s message. oIntroduction and/or conclusion are incomplete or missing.
oParagraphs are not unified (more than 1 topic/missing or inadequate controlling and concluding sentences). oTransitions are missing.
oConclusion, if present, fails to serve its purpose.
Score: oThe writing reflects grammatical, punctuation, and spelling standards. oLanguage is accurate, appropriate, and effective.
oWriting’s tone is appropriate and highly effective.oThe writing contains some grammatical, punctuation, and/or spelling errors. oLanguage is unclear, awkward or inappropriate in parts.
oThe writing’s tone is generally appropriate and moderately effective.oThe writing contains many grammatical, punctuation and/or spelling errors. oLanguage use is largely inaccurate or inappropriate.
The writing’s tone is ineffective and/or inappropriate.
FORMGood/Excellent = 5Fair/Competent = 4Deficient = 3
Format Requirements
Score: Writing correctly follows formatting guidelines.
oParenthetical and bibliographical source citations are used correctly and appropriately.oWriting follows most formatting guidelines, but some flaws are detected. oParenthetical and bibliographical source citations are incorrectly formatted or used.oWriting lacks many elements of correct formatting. oParenthetical and bibliographical source citations and/or
references are not provided. Final Score: /50