If I Were a Teacher

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Order Now1. Teacher is an individual whom we find teaching in schools and colleges and she/he is the person who has an infinitely lasting influence on the wards. I really believe in the saying that teachers make the destinies of the children they teach and they do not know where, if at all, the influence of a teacher stops. This is because a teacher is in close contact with children when they are at a very impressionable age. This is why a teacher acquires the status akin to the parents as, these childhood contacts are the most far reaching and mostly even permanent. If I was a teacher I would be a blend of strictness and love for all my children. The care I would take of their studies, their character and conduct would all together be a package of sorts. My love for them would be abounding yet, at the same time, I would not have any compromise with their work and or any other activity of theirs. This I would like to do as I would like to see them grow into good personalities, with the qualities of head and heart. I would be for them a friend, a patron and a guide, all in one. It would be my objective to get the love and faith of the children as, a teacher who becomes the confidante of the children is I feel their best friend.
They would love me and tell me all their problems instead of hiding them for, an elder who becomes their confidante become their best friend also. They realize that, the elder has all the experience of the life they are leading so, she/he will have a correct understanding of their problems. As a teacher I would never give a chance to the children to feel that, I have favorites among them, and, I favor one against another. I believe that, such a feeling in a young child can be very damaging for his/her growth and outlook on life. A child, who feels that he/she is not liked by the teacher for one, starts hating the teacher and also develops an inferiority complex, which can never be cured. The children under me would always get the world’s encouragement from me, for whatever they’d like to do, if of course their work does not hinder any other’s progress. At the same time, the wrong doers would not be spared and they would be punished severely for their wrong doings. My friendship with the children would also be a blend of oneness with them and their respect and regard for me.
I would never tolerate any kind of misbehavior from my children no matter how well they perform in any sphere. It would be made amply clear to them that, good work and performance is one thing and good behavior another. Whether the performance is good or not, behavior has to be good. I would make it clear to the children that, no matter how brilliant they may be their bad behavior would not be bypassed just because they are good in studies. I would make the children feel convinced that, they would always get justice from me by way of reward or punishment whatever they really deserved. It would be very clear to them that I have no favorites or dislikes – my attitude will always be firm and fair for all children. This will be my quality which would give them all faith in me and my moves. If I could have all these qualities as a teacher I imagine I would be among the best with no competitor, yes none. I would be one teacher who would be loved and respected and also mind you feared – as, justice is for all and appreciated by all.
2. Office of a principal is an important post in school. A principal is expected to run the school, of course with the help of his staff. He has to take decision quickly and create an atmosphere that will let the teachers and students grow. Only a man of proven ability can be offered the post of a school-principal. I, for one in the capacity of a student, do not possess the qualities that made principal of an institution.
I cannot aspire to be one. However, if something like that happens in fairy tales were to work its magic and give me an opportunity to be the principal of my school, it will be wonderful. I will then implement the schemes I have cherished all these years.
I would not allow students to remain in tents any longer. The tents are simply prison cells for them. In summer they suffer from heat and dust and in the rainy season. It becomes impossible to save the books and stationary from being spoiled by rain.
I would have a water tap installed in each class room so that the students do not run about for drinking water and live at the mercy of the waterman. Who knows whether the water stored in drums or pitchers is hygienically pure or not.
I would get all the activities and program like the school parliament, the literary association, Scouting, N.C.C. and others not only more studies oriented but made the students work all school hours on books. Ultimately all the students will pass the school leaving exams and we shall get 100% pass result and a good reputation.
These activities as they are practiced take away most of the time that we would otherwise devote to studies. Besides there is no advantage in these activities in the name even. I would rather introduce only two activities namely speech making and NCC. But I would expect the students to run up on holidays for these.
If I Were the Principal of a School, I would re-introduce corporal punishment. SPARE THE ROD AND SPOIL THE CHILD applies very correctly to our schools. Boys have developed careless habits. They write a bad hand and come to school in soiled dress. It is fear of the rod that will set matters right. In short, I shall insist on strict discipline in my school.
I would not allow the school to function in the afternoon in summer months. It is tiring. How can students be fresh and active in hot afternoon? I would have the school between 7a.m and 2 noon.
3. India is the largest democratic country and the Prime Minister is the head of it. He represents the country and is regarded as the first among equals. It is really a matter of pride to be the Prime Minister of such a vast country. As a Prime Minister I would like to develop India as a strong self reliant nation. For this first of all I would like to have a check on the increasing population. Unless it is checked, our country cannot progress. Malnutrition, insufficient medical care, high infant mortality rates and problems of aged people are some of its direct consequences. Hence population control would be the first priority. Then I would control the price rise. The distribution system of essential conunodities would be made more effective. The hoarders and businessmen would not take under advantage of the things because of strict rules. Eradication of poverty and illiteracy are also very important. They are curses and I would try my best so that each and every Indian may get rid of them. I would give priority to achieve the target of 100% literacy which would be employment oriented.
Rural school would be provided with good and sincere teachers. Higher education would be based on merit. The talented people would be given proper placements by setting up centers for excellence. This would stop brain-drain, one of the major problems of India. Necessary steps would be taken to uproot unemployment. It has created depression among our youth. In lack of employment, the young boys go astray. They are indulged in serious crimes and thus become the unsocial elements. They would be given proper direction so that they may extend their helping hands in the progress of the country. My aim would be to spread computer, internet and telephone lines to the remotest village of the country. Special training sessions would be organized for youth. Loans will be available for the deserving people. This would encourage self-employment, which is the need of the hour.
There would not be any gap between the rich and the poor. Employment avenues would be available for all. People would be taught about their duties in respect of their rights as provided by the constitution. Strikes will be banned. Attention will be given towards immoral elements to punish them seriously. I would give priority to establish a society free from fear and insecurity by encouraging universal brotherhood. Restoration of peace would be the ultimate goal of my tenure. I would leave not a stone unturned to bring peace in the country. The dignity of the individuals and the finer qualities of the citizens would be elevated. Strict laws would be framed for smugglers, hoarders and blackmarketeers. Law and order will be maintained at all cost. In nutshell, as a Prime Minister I would like to build my country as it was dreamt by Rabindra Nath Tagore.