The guide to having a perfect labrador puppy
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Order NowThis is guide to having a perfect labrador puppy. In this I will explain how to buy and care for your puppy and it will show you all th good things about having a labrador dog whilst also revealing some bad points to the looking after of the puppy.
History of Labradors:-
Labradors oringinate from Newfoundlands, the name labraor came for a geograhical reason which is that there was a place near Newfoundland which was called Labrador. These types of dogs are capable of a lot, they have been known to be put under hard working conditions while at the same time have been one of the friendliest dogs around. In the early eighteen hundreds the first St. John’s dog arrived in England in Poole and since then the population of labraodrs had grew from them. Now they are extremely popular.
What you need before you purchase a puppy:-
Dogs need a lot of basic things to survive especially as puppies. The most important thing needed is the time the owner can give. There is no point in buying a puppy unless the owner can give a lot of attention and love towards it. It is also essential that the puppy will have a quiet place to sleep in away from all the clutter and bustle of busy everyday life in the home. It is also good to have a garden to run free in once old enough.
The other basics include a collar with a tag and a lead, these should be the right size for your puppy to keep them safe especially if they escape. The puppy will also need a cosy and comfy bed as they do spend quite a lot of time asleep as small puppies, the bedding should be washable as many accidents occur as the puppy is trained. The dog will need appropiate brushes and cleaning products such as shampoo to keep its coat soft and clean.
The puppy would also enjoy some toys to play with these can be bought in pet shops and there are many varieties.The puppy may appreciate some food at a early age this is extremely important as it builds up their muscles and bones as they grow. This should be wet food until old enough to eat normal dry dog food bought in supermarkets. To be able to feed the dog it will also needs bowls one for water and one for food. These are usually metal and can be bought in pet shops similarly to a lot of the other products I have mentioned. That is about all
Purchasing the puppy:-
Before choosing a specific puppy the owner has to deicide a few things for one whether they would like a dog or bitch so a male or female dog. Then the owner needs to find out where to get the puppy from and see the various different prices. As it is a labrador being purchased it is more expensive than a non pedigree dog. If an owner feels that they would be happier getting a dog from a rescue centre that is fine bearing in mind that it may not be very settled due to what may have happened to it in the past. If not getting from a centre then as I said you will need to find different places you can purchase a labrdor puppy, first ask friends or relatives who may know then look in the papers for breeders. Once you have found a few places ring them up to compare the prices of different breeders.
Then go and look at all the puppies and pick one which you like. You need to do some checks on the puppy before your actual purchase, firstly,check for discharge from the eyes or nose. Runniness is not a good sign, also check the airwaves are totally clear. Thencheck the inside of the ears for inflammation or dark coloured wax. The puppies cost should feel silky and loose and should be free of sores also check how sturdy the puppy is . Once all checks have been done you are ready to buy and take the puppy home.
How to settle the dog into its new surroundings:-
It would be best to take the new puppy home in a small cage do that it is nice and cosy and safe. When entering its new surroundings it should not be surrounded by too many people neither should their be too much noise. The room should be clear and ready for the dog and you should leave it in their to settle into its new surroundings. On the first night they stay in the house they should sleep in their bed in a warm room, sometimes they like to have a coomfort blankets and a ticking clock can sooth them to sleep. The puppy should not be taken near other dogs as this could transfer diseease could the important vaccinations should be done at a vetinary surgery before outdoor activities with the puppy.
How/what to feed the puppy:-
When the puppy is very young it should be feed at least 3 times a day as it needs to build and grow stronger. There are many types of food but some dogs like milk and eggs whilst others prefer just a wet dog meal you can vary what you give them throughout the day. The food must contain plenty of nutrients and as the dogs are meateaters they may like a bit of meat.
The puppys health is very important because it is so young and can easily catch infections. Once allowed outside this is even more harmful. It should be checked for ticks and other bugs which may crawl around it. If you find any these should be picked out with tweezers and salty water. But if too deep or bleeding a lot you should probably take it to the vets. You should have a basic first aid kit for any accidents the dog may have.
This should consist of a card with your vets name and number on it for any real emergencies, absorbent cotton wool, adhesive and gauze, sterile wraps, cotton buds, scissors, thermometer, forceps, plastic syringe, eye drops, cleansing ear drop, antiseptic ointmentand finally rescue cream.This is all essential as you may find you need it. The puppy should also be bathed regularly and as labradors have a thin coat this should be kept silky and smooth and this is easily done by bathing and brushing. When brushing you should cover the whole body making sure you do not miss any parts.
How can you tell your puppy is ill:-
There are many signs which show that your puppy may be ill.For acute illnesses these consist of a tense or swollen stomach, vomiting several times, diarrhoea, difficulty brething or lack of conciousness. Each of these conditions need immediate attention from a vet. There are also signs for chronic illnesses but these are less subtle and difficult to recognise if you do have any queries take the dog straight to the doctor.
The cost of buying/keeping a dog:-
The cost of buying a labrador puppy will vary due to the breeder. Uusually they cost between 300 to 600 pounds. Ontop of this there are the vets examinations and treatments these can be very pricy which may be one put off for buyinmg a dog. Another option is a rescue dog no cost but still vetinary bills and maybe more of them and it could have been harmed in the past.