Evaluation System

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Order NowFrom day to day process, everyone seeks for perfection, everyone is a judge. Everything must be standardized, from the biggest things down to the smallest ones, especially in the eyes of a critic. According to Trochim (2006), evaluation is the systematic assessment of the worth or merit of some object. And as defined by Hall (2012), evaluation is the process of systematically assessing the design, implementation and impact of programs, policies or projects. With these definitions, the proponents have defined evaluation as a process of criticizing and assessing the functions and performance of a particular event or object to provide a beneficial feedback. Evaluation process is indeed a help in improving and enhancing a performance. It is usually done through the use of pen and an answer sheet. But due to the invasion of high technology, people have lifted up some process from the manual procedures to computerized ones, and there came the computerized evaluation system. This technological advancement will be a big help because it process data more accurately and quickly. It takes place in different areas, like in some colleges, teachers are being evaluated by the students according to their performance. Yet, Rogationist College still implements the manual evaluation process.
Rogationist College consists of a moderate number of students enrolled should consider switching from the manual evaluation process to computerized evaluation process. With its population, suing for manual evaluation will definitely consume so much time. Students are ought to evaluate all of their instructors, thus, subject discussions are being interrupted just to give way for the evaluation. And the HRDM Department also has a hard time of getting the result of the evaluation because they have to tally everything manually. The institution has also allotted fund for the papers and printing for these evaluation sheets.
To give solution to the stated problems, the proponents will develop the
Computerized Teacher’s Evaluation System for College Department in Rogationist College.
Objectives of the Study
The general objective of the study is to develop a Computerized Teachers’ Evaluation System for College Department in Rogationist College.
Specifically, it aims:
1) To develop a system capable of assessing, storing and printing the result of the evaluation. 2) To develop a system that will provide database as storage of records of the evaluation. 3) To evaluate the performance of the proposed system. 4) To provide a user documentation.
5) To develop a system that will capable of helping the client lessening the time of manual evaluation process. 6) To develop a system that will capable of helping the client securing the identity of the evaluators. 7) To develop a system that is user friendly and hassle free to satisfy the evaluators.
Scope and Limitations
The Teachers’ Evaluation System for College Department is a system that will be capable of handling information gathered from the evaluation. The evaluation is based on the time of the subject of the professor that will be evaluated and it will be conducted in the Rogationist College Computer Laboratory. In addition, it will be capable of working in a network environment. It will require a password for the confidentiality of identity of the evaluators. It will also print the result of the evaluation. The development of the system is bounded during the 2nd semester of the school year 2011-2012. The system will be used by the college students and the human resources department of Rogationist College. It will be the system’s purpose to avoid/solve the long period of time spent during the manual process of evaluation. It will feature a clear view of information and a user-friendly interface for easy navigation. The system will be created using the Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Enterprise Edition for the user interface, the front-end, Adobe Photoshop CS5 for the graphics enhancement and MySQL as the database. However, the system will not be capable of ranking the teachers from highest to lowest according to their weighted average. And it is not also accessible on the web.
Significance of the Study
This system will be a significant endeavor in setting up the teachers’ evaluation process into a higher and more efficient way in the Rogationist College. This system will also be beneficial to the students, instructors, school administration and the Human Resources Department of the said institution. Students will be able to evaluate their respective instructors according to their performance in teaching the subject the faster way and hassle free. On the other hand, the system will be able to produce the output of the evaluation more efficient and faster, so that the instructors will be able to figure out the result of the evaluation right away. This system will also provide the school administration soft copies of the evaluation result of every professor, therefore the school administration will be able to save funds intended to be used in the printing purposes of the manual evaluation process. Besides of saving funds, it is also ecological friendly. The Human Resources Department will benefit most of this system because there will be lesser use of man power and time.
This chapter shows the conceptual model of the study and the operational definition of terms. Conceptual Model of the Study
System Analysis
•Requirement analysis
•Requirement definition
System Design
•Context Flow Diagram
System Development
•Waterfall method
System Testing
Figure 1. Conceptual Model of the Study
The Figure 1 shows the Conceptual Model of the Study. It is composed of three important blocks: input requirements, process involved and the output.
The input block is composed of Knowledge requirements, Software requirements and Hardware requirements that are needed in order to accomplish the process involved and then come up with the output. Knowledge requirements include the Evaluation System, Rogationist College Evaluation System, Database Management System and System Analysis and Design. The system requires Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 for making the system design and MySQL for the database. It also requires a personal computer with at least 1 GB memory and a Pentium IV processor.
The process block is primarily composed of System Analysis, System Design, System Development and System Testing. The System Analysis includes Requirement Analysis and Requirement Definition. The System Design includes the Context Flow Diagram, which shows the direct users of the system. The System Development shows the methodology used in the development of the system. And the System Testing will check the efficiency, effectiveness and accuracy of the system.
The output block includes the developed and finished system, the Computerized Teacher’s Evaluation System for College Department.
To test the functionality, efficiency and to gather feedbacks from the users of the system, the evaluation of the system will also be conducted.
Operational Definition of Terms
• Computer-based Evaluation System- automated evaluation process using high technology (computer). • Evaluation System- system used to assess one’s performance. • Database- collection of relative information or data. • Front-end- refers to the user interface visible to the users (physical design of the system). • Human Resources Department- group of people in charge of managing the human resources in the institution. • Manual Evaluation Process- process of evaluating using pen and a questionnaire (paper-based). • Microsoft Visual Studio 2010- language used in creating the design of the system. • MySQL- software requirement for the database of the system. • Proponents- people involved in creating and developing the system. • System- used to perform a certain task faster and easier.
Chapter 3
This chapter shows project design, project development, and diagrams used in the development of the system.
Project Design
This shows the design which will be used during the design phase of the development of Rogationist College Computerized Teachers Evaluation System. [pic]
Figure 2. Context Flow Diagram
Figure 2, Context Flow Diagram shows the direct users of the system. First, the HRDM Department, they have to input a verified password to access the system. In return, they can access records on the evaluation process. Second, students have to input verified username and password to be able to evaluate their respective professors.
Project Development
This shows the Waterfall Methodology, Database Design, Data Flow Diagram, Database Relational Diagram and the Entity Relationship Diagram. System Development Methodology
Figure 3. Waterfall Methodology
Figure 3, Waterfall Methodology shows the 6 phases of System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) that will be used in developing the system. Once a phase of development is completed, the development proceeds to the next phase. The six phases are explained as follows: Planning and Analysis Phase. The proponents were tasked to create a system that will tamper the existing problem in evaluation procedures in Rogationist College. The proponents first determined the cause of the problem which is the much time wasted in the manual evaluation process, and then come up to its solution, the computerized evaluation system.
To gather relevant data needed in the development of the system, the proponents interviewed the department liable to the information needed, the Human Resources Department. From the gathered data, the proponents had come up to the base plans or blueprint of the system. Design Phase. This phase doesn’t only care about the physical design but also the logical design of the system. From the requirements of the system given by the HR department, the proponents then formulated processes on how the system will flow. They also made sure that the system interfaces are easy to navigate, neat and simple and user-friendly features. Certain charts and diagrams were also made to help understand how the system will work.
Data Flow Diagram
The Data Flow Diagram shows the overall flow of the data processed by the system. It also shows the input and output of each process.
Figure 4. Data Flow Diagram (Server)
Figure 4, Data Flow Diagram (Server) presents the server process of the Computerized Teacher Evaluation System. The administrator has to log in to the system through a verified password from the user table. If an entry is to be added to the profile, its information will be stored in profile table. Updating and editing professor information are also included in this process. For setting up the professor to be evaluated, the administrator will choose from the list of professor gathered from the profile table and the administrator will also set the section, who will evaluate the professor. The selected professor and section will appears in the evaluation form during the evaluation process (client mode). For generating reports, the administrator will have to search the professor. The chosen professor’s records gathered from the evaluation will then appear. These records are viewable and printable if desired.
Figure 5. Data Flow Diagram (Client)
Figure 5, Data Flow Diagram (Client) presents the client process of the Computerized Teacher Evaluation System. The client will have to log in to the system through a verified username and password from the user table. The client will fill up the evaluation form and give comments or suggestions to the professor who is being evaluated. Then a message box will appear to denote that the client had successfully done in the evaluation process. After the evaluation the gathered data will be stored in the evaluation table automatically.
Database Design
This shows the database design, the list of tables which will be used in the database management. Table 1. user table
|Field Name |Data Type |Size |Description | |admin_password |varchar |50 |Determines the password of the administrator | |client_login |varchar |50 |Determines the username of the client | |client_password |varchar |50 |Determines the password of the client |
Table 1, user table, shows the admin_password, client_login and client_password. This table will be used for storing the details of the user’s account. Table 2. evaluation table |Field Name |Data Type |Size |Description | |knowledge_fresult |Varchar |100 |Determines the final result of knowledge | |communication_fresult |Varchar |100 |Determines the final result of communication skill | |teachingskills_fresult |Varchar |100|Determines the final result of teaching skills | |classroommngt_fresult |Varchar |100 |Determines the final result of classroom management | |evaluationskill_fresult |Varchar |100 |Determines the final result of evaluation skill | |attitude_fresult |Varchar |100 |Determines the final result of attitude | |comments |Varchar |100 |Determines the collected comments or suggestion |
Table 2, evaluation table, will be used for storing information gathered from the evaluation. Table 3. profile table
|Field Name |Data Type |Size |Description | |faculty_id |varchar |100 |Determines the faculty id | |lname |varchar |100 |Determines the last name of the professor | |fname |varchar |100 |Determines the first name of the professor | |mname |varchar |100 |Determines the middle name of the professor | |department |varchar |100 |Determines the department of the professor | |subject |varchar |100 |Determines the subject he/she teach |
Table 3, profile table, shows the faculty id, full name, department and subject of the professor.
Database Relational Diagram
The Database Relational Diagram shows the relationship between the tables in the database design. [pic]
Figure 6. Relational Diagram
Figure 6, Relational Diagram presents the relationships of the tables for the database to be used in the Rogationist College Computerized Teacher’s Evaluation System. The table evaluation has its field name client_login as its primary key and faculty_id its foreign key to access table profile. Table user has admin_password as its primary key and client_login its foreign key to access table evaluation. Table profile has faculty_id as its primary key and admin_password its foreign key to access both table.
Entity Relationship Diagram
This shows the entity relationship between the different entities in the system.
Figure 7. Entity relationship Diagram
Figure 7, Entity Relationship Diagram shows the relationship between the different entities in the system. The blue parts pertain to the administrator of the system, while the red ones are the users (students) of the system. An Admin verifies a Password. This means an Admin verifies only 1 Password. An Admin can view many Results. This means an Admin can view many Results. Many Student evaluates many Professor. Each Student sends many Results. A Student verifies 1 Password. This means every Student verifies only 1 Password.
Development Phase. In this phase, plans and ideas from the previous phases will be put into action. The system will be developed via Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 for the system forms and layouts. To support storage for information gathered, the proponents will be using MySQL as its database. And to add some art to the system, they also used Adobe Photoshop CS5 for the graphics enhancements. Network Diagram
This shows the network diagram that will be used in the development of the system.
Figure 8. Network Diagram
Figure 8, Network diagram shows how computers will be connected to the server. The computers will be using star topology wherein all nodes are connected to one central connection point (hub) that routes all data passing in the network. Testing and Evaluation Phase. To test the efficiency and effectiveness of the developed system, it will undergo through testing and evaluation considering the FURPS (Functionality, Usability, Reliability, Performance and Supportability), to ensure that the system will be capable of satisfying its client’s requirements. Implementation Phase. The developed system will be implemented in Rogationist College specifically in the College Department. The system will be given to the client after running the final testing. Maintenance Phase. When the developed system has been given to its client, it will be the HRDM Department’s responsibility to maintain the system and to fix problems that will be encountered in the system. Operational and Testing Procedure
The following steps will be conducted by the proponents in order to test the system’s functionality: 1. The required software of the system will be installed on the computer in HRDM Department Office.
2. The system uses the networking design STAR topology to connect the server to its clients.
3. Ten percent (10%) of the total population of Rogationist College, college students will be randomly selected to evaluate and test the system.
Evaluation Procedure
Preliminary Evaluation
The proponents will be using a set of questions to be answered by the proponents of the system. These questions aim to test the system’s functionality of tools, absence of failure, efficiency of performance, accuracy and user friendliness. The questions are listed as follows: A. Server
a. Does the system really automate the manual evaluation process in Rogationist College Department? b. Is the system capable of adding, editing, deleting, updating and storing the information of professor and number of the student who will be evaluating? c. Does the system
provide accurate output results?
d. Is the system user friendly?
e. Does the system lessen the funds, time and work of the HRDM Department Faculty and Staff?
B. Client
a. Does the system really automate the manual evaluation process in Rogationist College Department?
b. Is the system user friendly?
c. Does the system secure the identity of the evaluator?
Final Evaluation
The proposed system will be evaluated by the 10% of the total population of the Rogationist College, college students that were randomly selected. They evaluated the systems performance in the actual presentation in terms of its functionality, absence of failure, efficiency of performance, accuracy and user friendliness. Comments and suggestions were also considered as it may help for the further enhancement and improvement of the system. Evaluation Materials
To evaluate the system accurately, the proponents made use of the FURPS model ( Functionality, Usability, Reliability, Performance and Supportability). a. Functionality. It refers to the capability of the system to provide appropriate set of functions to operate a specific task and secure its data to unauthorized access. b. Usability. Refers to the consistency of the functions of the system and the attractiveness of its interfaces. c. Reliability. It refers to the capability of the system to avoid failure and maintain a specified level of performance. d. Performance. Refers to the capability of the system to process data and information efficiently and quickly. e. Supportability- It refers to the capability of the system to adapt and to be installed in a specified environment.