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World History Essays

Reputation of ''The Crucible'' by Arthur Miller

Throughout the play The Crucible, by Arthur Miller, one?s name is a very important motif that is carried out. Reputation is the general estimation in which a person is held by the public, as referred to by dictionary.com. Reputation is very important in Salem because public and private moralities are …

Napoleon: Dictator or Liberator?

Dictator. Napoleon was born into a noble family in 1769, and showed an interest in the military at an early age. In 1785, Napoleon set out to become a lieutenant in the French artillery. Napoleon was unsuccessful in fighting for Corsican independence, however he returned to France and was seen …

Stalin's Regime

Stalin’s rule over the USSR from 1929 onwards saw his country and his people devastated as he forced them to industrialise, ruthlessly eliminated his opponents and lead his county to a costly victory in the Second World War. Although his leadership was brutal his ideas to industrialise were successful, if …

The Difference Between a Statesman and a Politician

Winston Churchill was a statesman, not a politician. As President John Adams once said that a politician fears man, but a statesman fears God. Winston Churchill demonstrated statesmanship. He feared not what the people thought of what he believed but that he would be held responsible before God if he …

The Crucible : Battle of Good and Evil

Arthur Miller’s 1692 play named The Crucible took place in Salem, Massachusetts. The Crucible is morally about the battle between good and evil in the town of Salem. When you get down to discussing the most eligible persons to be compared for such a position in The Crucible, it all …

"The Crucible" and "To Kill a Mockingbird"

‘The Crucible’ is a play written by Arthur Miller in which he demonstrates the familiarities of the life he lived in the nineteen-fifties. He communicates through his work to the way people are in his society and what people were like in the seventeenth century. However, ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ …

Arthur Miller's 'The Crucible'

Arthur Miller uses the title of his play “The Crucible” as a metaphor constantly throughout the text. A crucible is a container used to heat metals at a high temperature so the metal can be cast, often using intense pressure to do so. Crucibles are often also used to remove …

The possibility of hope in "The Crucible"

No matter how bleak they seem, all plays end in hope. Discuss how true this statement is of a non-Shakespearean play you have studied. What is hope? To place one’s confidence in the belief that something better will be obtained. “The Crucible” by Arthur Miller is a play in which …

A letter to Rosa Parks

I would like to write you a letter telling how I feel about you. I feel that you are a very strong woman and someone that all Americans can look up to. I probably would never have had the strength to do what you did back on December first, nineteen …

Dynamic Characters In ''The Crucible''

There are several dynamic characters in The Crucible, written by Arthur Miller. The definition of a crucible is a place or situation in which concentrated forces interact to cause or influence change or development. A dynamic character is one who undergoes significant changes in the course of the play because …

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