Workplace Essays

Reverse culture shock is used to describe a person’s reactions when one is re-entering a previously familiar territory. While culture shock can be described as the expected confrontation with the familiar, reverse culture shock on the other hand is essentially the reverse—it is the unexpected confrontation with the familiar. Also …
Topic: Prevention of Supervisory Workplace Bullying Target sample: professionals aged 20 to 60 years old from different ethnicities Sample Size: 25 to 30 respondents Objectives: To determine the prevalence of “workplace bullying” in a working environment and to gauge the familiarity of the topic with the subject matter. Questions: What …
Walt Disney pioneered the fields of animation and is now known as a folk legend of the 20th century. He co-founded the Walt Disney Productions, which is one of the largest and best-known motion picture producers in the world. Walt Disney also co-founded The Walt Disney Company in which he …
Nepotism is the favoring of a relative or a friend for things or jobs he is not qualified for. Nepotism is the outflow of filial affection or friendship, or the desire to surround oneself with trustworthy and loyal subjects. It is usually the both. In an organizational setup, …
Workplace incivility can be said to be the disrespectful or rude behavior that shows no concern of the other employees. Workplace incivility can be intentional or obvious. Although the behavior might be obvious it is usually hidden, be hindsight or subtle. Some of the practiced workplace incivility may be perceived …
Communication is a very important aspect of any organization that seeks to achieve success. It becomes more vital in the event the employees come from different cultural backgrounds as culture has a great influence on how people perceive things and react to them. Intercultural communication at the workplace is …
We live in a world almost solely dependent on technology. Interconnectivity is the name of the game. The constant need to communicate with one another and be kept abreast of any and all activities of those around us seem to be a demanding driving force in our everyday lives. It …
One important role of employee evaluation – motivation — derives its efficacy from psychological forces. “Motivation is the amount of effort that one desires to expend in a given direction (toward a goal). The amount of effort one does expend to reach a goal is assumed, in the absence of …
Email is a very fast way of sending and receiving information, and it certainly does make things easier in the workplace as well as in other areas of life. The internet has revolutionised the way we communicate. An important business decision might be made at long-distance via email within …
Electronic monitoring in the workplace is becoming more commonplace. There are both advantaged and disadvantages to this practice. There are various reasons that employers choose to monitor employees, and issues arise on both sides of the fence for the justification of the practice. According to a survey done by …
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