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Social Issues Essays

The Existence Of Inherent Evil

Criminology can be defined as “an advanced, theoretical field of study.  It tackles the study of crime, the causes of crime, the meaning of crime in terms of law, and the community reaction to crime” (NCWC Faculty, 2004).  There are many theories created to address these queries.  One of the …

Gangsta Rap and Sexism

            Sexism which refers to discrimination that is based on gender and in particular discrimination against women is manifested in several ways within the society. Gangsta rap is believed and argued to be one of the medium used to perpetuate sexism particularly amongst the young people. Music is one of …

Discipline and Corporal Punishment

            The question of whether it is wise to employ corporal punishment in disciplining a child is one of the most hotly-debated issues in the country today. On one side of the debate, advocates defend their use of the method in disciplining their children because, according to them, their own …

The Book ‘Harriet Tubman: The road to freedom’ by Catherine Clinton

Abstract The book ‘Harriet Tubman: The road to freedom’ is very well written and the writer Catherine Clinton is crystal clear in her words and it seems she tries to answer every question that a reader might ask while reading the book. The language that Clinton has used to write …

Empowerment Model

People are the most important asset of any organization. That is why more and more companies are now empowering their employees for a competitive advantage. In today’s business, empowerment is the core concept of new management to improve productivity and achieve goals. Empowerment is the process of enhancing employees’ capabilities …

Employee Privacy in the Workplace

We live in a world almost solely dependent on technology. Interconnectivity is the name of the game. The constant need to communicate with one another and be kept abreast of any and all activities of those around us seem to be a demanding driving force in our everyday lives. It …

Employee Empowerment

Thesis statement Over the past decade new theories of work culture have emerged that have taken a knowledge-based view of organization structure and management. Today knowledge is considered crucial in designing the products, service lines, managing the distribution system and handling promotion and sales (Amar, 2002). As such contemporary businesses …

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing

Abstract Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing is a relatively new method that has been developed in the treatment of Post Traumatic Stress Disorders (PTSDs). Its historical development is traced to discoveries made by Francine Shapiro while she was pursuing her doctoral studies. This method for treating patients with certain traumatic …

Why Women should Vote by Jane Addams

Jane Addams (1915) was one of the active women in the early 20th century who spearhead the cause of women to participate in the legislative process. In this article she pities the condition of the women and the society in general and how women have been neglected in making decision …

Urban Cities: Vancouver and Toronto

Introduction Since the industrial revolution in England, the social life has been restructured with increased growth of urban centers and cities. Concentration of life in urban centers has brought about centralized provision of basic social services like sanitation, health, education, and others.  Urban life has also brought about increase socialization …

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