Religion Essays

Introduction Everyday, people are confronted with problems and difficulties. Some realities, however, are beyond comprehension. Innocent children die because of wars and tragedies. Happy families are torn apart by untoward events. A promising life could be cut short because of accidents or malicious intent of another person. Many people are …
The Great Schism of the Roman Catholic Church and the Greek Orthodox Church is usually described as the period that the One Christian Church at that time severed their relations with each other. The Greeks in the east and the Latin-speaking peoples in the West of the then Roman Empire, …
A hypocrite is someone who says one thing and does another. These people are very difficult to get honesty from. They tell others how to live their lives and then often do not follow their own advice. This is very evident in people who claim to be religious and tell …
The Buddhists believed that body of a dead person should be removed with dignity and be treated properly out of respect for the memory of what the deceased person had done when he was alive. His past action (Karma) will determine what his future life will be. In Buddhism death …
I believe in the Promise Comforter, Leader Olumba Olumba Obu The Father of all righteousness I believe in the First Begotten Son, His Holiness Olumba Olumba Obu The King of Kings and Lord of Lords Who gave Himself for us all And redeemed us from iniquities Purifying unto Himself a …
Bernard P. Prusak’s `The Church Unfinished: Ecclesiology Through the Centuries’ is an excellent account of the history of the Catholic church over the centuries. For anybody willing to broaden one’s knowledge of the church history, the book offers a rich variety of facts supported by extensive documentation. Prusak, being a …
The Awakening of Faith in the Mahayana is one of the most profound, concise and convincing summaries of Mahayana philosophy and metaphysics that this tradition has bequeathed to us in comparison to other Buddhism philosophy. In Mahayana Buddhism, the Buddha, transcending his mere physical form, is viewed as a boundless, …
It was just last year when I first watched the Ramahari play and I consider it to be quite unique and pleasing to watch because it is based on an Indian epic called Ramayana, a story of courage, magic and humor. Ramayana consists of 18 books and 24,000 verses divided …
There is a saint in every common man but we usually forget that there is the common man or woman in every saint. Saints are usually portrayed as divine, pure, happy and innocent people who are ready for martyrdom anytime the Lord our God asked for it. Cathleen Medwick, author …
What is the significance of the Tenrikyo creation story for Tenriko doctrine as a whole? Tenrikyo is one of the so-called “new religions” of Japan. Within this particular religion lies the origin of all things as we know it but more importantly, how humans came to be. Like all religions, …
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