God Essays

DECLARATION We hereby declare that the entire thesis work entitled, “OPEN EDUCATIONAL RESOURSE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM” submitted to the department of Information Technology, University of Energy and Natural Resources (UENR), in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of the degree of BSc Information Technology, is a bona fide record …
In this paper we will explore the role of reason in theology. This one uses faith and Scripture to understand the divine mysteries. However, reason and faith do not contradict each other. It is not rare to find people saying that theology rejects science because Scripture contradicts science. Just because …
Free will is something that is very important to society. It is something that humanity have fought for since the beginning of times. Even in the Holy Bible is said that this ‘free will’ is a real thing. That God gave us free will. But what if we are completely …
Religious language first became a topic in philosophy in the early forties, when most logical positivists believed all god-talk to be meaningless (Kraal). In the fifties Anthony Flew even published an essay that seems to prove god-talk is meaningless, based on the premise that it cannot be proven true without …
The question of God’s existence has been debated through the history of man, with every philosopher from Socrates to Immanuel Kant weighing in on the debate. So great has this topic become that numerous proofs have been invented and utilized to prove or disprove God’s existence. Yet no answer still …
“A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out. In faithfulness he will bring forth justice.” Isaiah 42: 2-3 ~14 15 “Aware of this [the plot to kill Him], Jesus withdrew from that place. Many followed him, and he healed all their sick, …
When read in sequence there are many contradictory statements between Genesis chapter one and two. The origins of the world and order of creation are for example different. Although within the same holy text, the two chapters provide contrasting theories on creation. This creates problems with understanding the nature of …
The God of classical theism has many attributes including that of being omnipotent. By this we understand God to be all powerful and have no limits. This is that God is all powerful and have no limits. God is also regarded to be eternal in other words not affected by …
Revelation is defined as ‘God revealing himself to people’. What is often discussed is whether God something we discover in our own experiences or is does he discloses himself to us through other sources. Religions such as Christianity claim that God has freely chosen to disclose himself to us. Religious …
Omniscience is one of the attributes accredited to god in natural theology; which means that god is all knowing from the Latin ‘omni’ meaning all and ‘scientia’ knowing. When ascribed to god it is meant that god knows everything and it can be considered his perfection that he knows everything. …
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