God Essays

“After the Shoah [Holocaust] no statement, theological or otherwise, can be made that would not be credible in the face of burning children”” – Rabbi Irving Greenberg. The view that that Greenburg holds epitomises the thought among many philosophers (predominantly atheists) that the evil in the world suggest that God …
Pandora was the first human woman created in Greek mythology. She was created to punish mankind for the gift of fire, given by Prometheus. Representing divinity, fire was an asset intended for the gods/goddesses. Once human men acquired this gift, the separation between the gods/goddesses and mortals was diminished. Zeus …
Thousands of people die due to war, a song by Edwin Starr explains how there is no use for it. Good morning/afternoon fellow peers and teachers. The song I have chosen to speak about is War by Edwin Starr. It was released June 10th 1970 which was the time of …
If everyone took the time to discuss holiness / piety (reverence for God), there would always be many different interpretations or perceptions on what it really is and just how to determine that it is being done. The best philosophers in the world have engaged in many conversations about this …
● Hebrew verb habaq, which means “to fold the hands or wrestle” or “to embrace.” In this case, it might mean “one who embraces” or “one who is embraced.” ● The content of the book, which includes wisdom literature and a psalm of praise, indicates that Habakkuk was a poet …
I have always been a man of God, and I used to believe with all my heart that what I did was for him. I took it upon myself to find impurities in the world and banish them, whether they be cursed spirits, demons or, most common, witches. I was …
Day 9- What Makes God Smile “May the Lord smile on you…” -Numbers 6:25 (NLT) “Smile on me, your servant; teach me the right way to live.” – Psalm 119:135 (Msg) * The smile of God is the goal of your life. But how can we make the Lord smile? …
In his article, “God May Be the Creator,” Robert Jastrow writes how interesting it is that many astronomers now believe that the universe does have a definite, specific beginning. He finds this interesting because scientists have finally arrived at the same conclusion theologians have held for centuries. Jastrow is …
Faith was not meant to be restricted in the religious area of Christian’s lives. It embodied who they were as people. It served as their identities. They lived a lifestyle of faith. The purpose of salvation through Jesus Christ was for mankind’s atonement. It was done in order for men …
Contained herein is an analysis of H. J. McCloskey’s On Being an Atheist article that provides teleological and cosmological arguments on beliefs in God, good and evil. McCloskey has approached the topic with greater emotions that can be seen all over the paper. His article’s thesis illustrates the rejection of …
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