Business and Cultural Environments Shape the Behaviour of a Selected Organisation

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Order NowI believe in the Promise Comforter, Leader Olumba Olumba Obu The Father of all righteousness I believe in the First Begotten Son, His Holiness Olumba Olumba Obu The King of Kings and Lord of Lords Who gave Himself for us all And redeemed us from iniquities Purifying unto Himself a peculiar people The kindness and love of God Has appeared towards us Not by works of righteousness But according to His mercy We are saved by the washing of the regeneration And the renewing of the Holy Spirit Having therefore a Kingdom Whose builder and maker is God Let us have a thankful heart, For He is faithful in His promises He is the King Immortal He is the King Supreme Unto whom be all Honour, All Power, All Glory! Forever and ever. Amen!
All Hail Leader Olumba Olumba Obu The Sole Spiritual Head of the Universe Founder and Sustainer of the Brotherhood His Glorious Throne to the Son given Let all in reverence bow to Him In Him, love, hope and peace abound The Father with His Christ His Holiness Olumba Olumba Obu Is on the Throne, let all adore Him His Kingdom shall reign forever more. Amen
MC’s: COG Sister Mary Aboagye SCS Manderson Kusi
Introduction of members of the High Table Arrival of The Christ Ambassadors Decoration of The Christ Ambassadors Prayer by a COG. Rendition of the Brotherhood Anthem. Recitation of the Brotherhood Creed led by COG Sister Imabong Umoh Reliving the 4th of April 2012; “The Anointing of The Christ Ambassadors” Stimulating Spiritual Choruses Entertainment: BCS young-stars: Tribute to the Ambassadors Function! Function!! Function!!! Entertainment: Presentation from The Sabbath Children
Speeches: Her Excellency Christ Ambassador Onyero Emefiele His Excellency Christ Ambassador Enimini Idiongette
Entertainment: Solo by Brother Tunji Entertainment: The Northern brethren
Speeches: His Excellency Christ Ambassador Shedrack Uwajuonye His Excellency Christ Ambassador Chinedu Osondu
Presentation of gifts led by the National Executives Vote of thanks by Deaconess Helen Bartlett. Divine Address, advice and blessings from THE KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS, HIS HOLINESS OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU.
EXCERPTS FROM THE HOLY FATHERS ADDRESS ON THE 4TH OF APRIL 2012. “Today, in the Spirit of the Abba Father Easter celebration, I stand mightily in the realms of perfect and absolute authority to announce the formal commissioning of the Christ Ambassadors Body. By the reason of My declaration today, this body has been recognized in heaven, it has been recognized here on earth. I say, it has been recognized by the seven spirits which are before My throne. But who are these Ambassadors? Where are they? And from whence came they? These are they who have tasted of My sweat, they have shared in My grieves and sorrows, they have toiled & labored with Me and this is why I call them My Ambassadors and have also decided to elevate them into the coveted position prepared for them even before the world was, that they may as well be glorified with Me. These have been chosen from amongst the special ones to become part of the heavenly, that the impeccable inheritance of the kingdom’s glory, power and authority may be theirs, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Even now and forevermore. Whoever blesses the Christ Ambassadors stand to be blessed and whosoever curseth them stands to be cursed, because if you curse my Ambassadors, it does show that you are cursing the Son of Man.” – HIS HOLINESS OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU
Brotherhood, give praise to Olumba With a loud voice, sing praises to Him Rejoice in Him, He is worthy Lord of Heaven, of earth and sea. Let heaven join in these songs of praise Be not silent, unceasingly sing Praise Him, ye earth, in one accord Offer Him thanks, He, worthy is. Olumba, the God of hosts has come Sun, moon and stars and the firmament Dwellers on earth, angels and men In His presence, abide in peace. The Alpha and Omega He is Father, Son and Holy Spirit In Human form is now on earth Unfolding grace and peace and love. Amen
Holy Spirit of God, come and dwell in me Let Your light within me shine O! make my heart Your dwelling place That I may be glad in You. Tender Spirit of God, come as dew in me O! Come, and me purify O! Lead me in the path of life Where all righteousness abound. Gentle Spirit of God, come as dew on me O! Come and calm every part That I may then be sanctified Both in the body and soul. Spirit of God Divine, desend as a dove O! Come, spread Your peaceful wings And cover me, so shall my heart Not rove, but in You repose. Holy Spirit of God, descend now with pow’r And breathe new life into me Fill me with Your heavenly love To live in the way you choose. Amen
The word, before had been The word ever shall be The word is the Father Son and the Holy Ghost. The word spoken by Thee Our infirmities heals Restores sight to the blind And hearing to the deaf. The Lord, by word of mouth Heaven and earth did create The light and darkness both By His words are controlled. Evil and good we share Likewise good health and death Through eternal ages The words of God controls. Thou Father, art the word In Thee liveth the word And we, in Thee do live Through the grace of Thy word. Lord, bless us with Thy word That Thy peace we may have And the grace of Thy love From the words of Thy mouth. Amen
Let all glory, honour, power, dominion, authority, beauty & reverence to The Sole Spiritual Head of the Universe, Leader Olumba Olumba Obu & His First Begotten of Righteousness, The King of Kings & Lord of Lords, His Holiness Olumba Obu. Amen. BCS United Kingdom feels extremely privileged and highly favoured to be the first to host the reception of the Christ Ambassadors. 2012 has been a special year for all the children of God, especially for the United Kingdom. With the auspicious ‘Abba Father’ celebration opening the doors of blessings to the nation, we have celebrated the diamond jubilee & will be hosting the modern Olympiad games for the third time this summer. Most Holy Father, your passionate love for BCS UK has won us the title of having four of Your beloved Christ Ambassadors domicile in the UK. We believe that their presence here will usher in unprecedented joy, progress and blessings. Matthew 10: 41 says that ‘He that receiveth a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophet’s reward; and he that receiveth a righteous man in the name of a righteous man shall receive a righteous man’s reward.
Hermas vision in The Lost Books of the bible explains that “the place that is on the right hand is theirs who have already attained unto God, and have suffered for his name’s sake”. The Christ Ambassadors have suffered for the Lord’s name sake; they have laboured with Him and tasted His sweat. It is for this reason that the Christ Ambassadors have been glorified and found worthy to occupy such a revered position. We believe sincerely that their ministry will be blessed and they will continue to be vessels of honour. On behalf of the entire world, all the members in BCS UK join together to raise their hands and hearts in harmony to congratulate the Christ Ambassadors once again for fulfilling their destiny by being found worthy to attain such promotion and divine glory in the Kingdom of God. Thank You Father UK National LR Apostle Aboagye