Religion Essays

Introduction The Scriptures indicate that the creature known as Satan did not always have that name. Rather, this descriptive name was given to him because of his taking a course of opposition and resistance to God. The name he had before this is not given. God is the only Creator, …
INTRODUCTION The battle between the religious community and the skeptics on the issue of the positive effects of prayer in healing is almost as old as religion and science. Since prayer is relative to the existence of God, which is denied by science, experiments and studies conducted relative to …
Post = After Colonialism = the process of one country inhabiting another usually instilling their norms and values into that society Media Edward said – American-Palestinian Western media representations often contain a legacy of colonialism Colonial ideology -Superiority -Racial prejudice -Civilized Edward Said On Orientalism: ‘Orientalism has some perspectives of …
Introduction The Muslim population in The Netherlands is growing. There are over million Muslims in the country. A prominent politician has been working for the ban of Qur’an in the country and is releasing a film about Qur’ans legitimisation of violence. This article covers the said issue; the man …
Introduction Every nation and every religion has its own notion about the supernatural and divine forces. Thirst for knowledge is embedded by God. Every nation has its own God or gods they worship. Every nation venerate its shrines, some of them worship natural forces, while some of them worship …
Crucifix originated from Latin word ‘crux’, meaning “cross”. The modern crucifix is a simple cross bearing the likeness of the body of Christ on it. The crucifixes are always of different sizes depending on whom to wear it and why they wear it. The small ones are the ones …
Throughout Europe, political impact of Protestant Reformation had been so deep that it even led to the exile of Catholic Queen Mary of England. T.A. Morris said, “Knox preaching in Edinburgh in 1559 was so forceful that the French regent was force to flee her capital” (p. 83). Morris further …
Introduction The coming of the Holy Spirit was the fulfillment of a Biblical prophecy foretold by Prophet Joel perhaps during the 9th and or 5th century B.C. as Biblical scholars cannot ascertain the exact date of the prophecy, due to insufficient information in the book to date the ministry …
Despite the differences in their religion, both Jewish and Christian believe that the Bible cannot be mistaken, because God Himself guided its authors. Therefore, both religions believe that the documentation on Genesis about the creation of the Universe is completely true. The Jewish and the Christian communities agree that God …
Long before the heavens and the earth began, everything was a formless wasteland. This has been this way for thousands of years until God the Father woke up one day. He sat up and looked around but could not see anything because it was too dark. He began to cry. …
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