Politics Essays

The revolution begun in 1789 with the meeting of the states general. Soon later the Bastille was stormed (till this day French celebrate it as their national holiday), the king was executed and a new constitution was written up. By 1799, end of the revolution, a new time had come …
What is the role of diplomacy in contemporary international politics?What is the role of diplomacy in contemporary international politics? There is little doubt that diplomacy has changed vastly from its humble origins of fifteenth century Italy however the question remains; does diplomacy, in the truest sense still have a place …
Farming around the thirty year period of 1870 to 1900 was not a fair or successful one. One demographic that suffered immensely was the black population. Fresh out of the civil war, African Americans tried to acquire land, but had a difficult time paying off loans, which had high interest …
“There should be mutual understanding and support amongst the Executive, the Legislature and the Judiciary institutions.”Xi Jinping Vice-President of the People’s Republic of China during his visit to the Hong Kong SAR on July 7th, 2008 made the above statement that hit a raw nerve in the public. In response …
During the 16th and 17th centuries, many European nations grew into the mold of absolutism. Starting with the role of James I, England underwent absolutist reforms as Parliament was often suppressed by the ruling monarch until the Glorious Revolution, when the supremacy of Parliament was established. James I was an …
Guajilote was founded in 1991 as a component of a USAID (United States Agency for International Development) project. The project attempted to develop La Muralla National park as an administrative and socioeconomic model that COHDEFOR (the Honduran forestry development service) could transfer to Honduras’ other national parks. The Guajilote Cooperativo …
In 1648 the Peace of Westphalia effectively ended the rule of the Roman Catholic Church replacing it with a system of legal entities with a permanent population, a well-defined territory and governments capable of exercising sovereignty. The modern sovereign state with a supreme authority to manage internal and external affairs …
One of the most important religious revolutions in history was the sixteenth century religious revolt known as the Protestant Reformation. This conflict divided the Christians of Western Europe into two religious groups: Protestants and Catholics. The reasons behind the Reformation movement included political, economical, social, and religious differences. In the …
Throughout her career, the South African novelist Nadine Gordimer has wanted to explore the terrain where personal interests, desires and ambitions encounter (and, not rarely, contend with) the demands and trials of a politically active life. She has had a keen eye for the exceedingly precarious moral situation of her …
“The Declaration of Independence” was written in 1776 by Thomas Jefferson to declare the colonies free and independent from Great Britain. Jefferson used deductive reasoning in the form of a syllogism to argue his claim that because the colonist’s “unalienable rights” (612) were being denied by Great Britain, the colonies …
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