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Politics Essays

President cabinat

President Donald J. Trump Donald Trump was elected the 45th United States President on January 20, 2017. He is the first president to be elected who has never held a top government position or a military rank. Donald Trump is a part of the republican party and has signed many …

John Adams

John Adams was born on October 30, 1735. Growing up, he lived a modest life in a quite farm village in New England. When he was fifteen years, he enrolled in Harvard College, where he studied law. After establishing his legal career in Boston in 1758, he progressively became one …

Public speculation

President Richard Nixon was inaugurated on January 1969, when the Cold War was the overshadowing reality of the time and the United States was at war with Vietnam. The anti-communist ideals of President Nixon did not prevent him from achieving his ultimate goal, one he had mentioned to key National …

Foreign policy of the nation

What were the main foreign policy achievements of the Carter administration? Where did Carter fail? ANS: Carter believed that the Nation’s foreign policy should reflect its highest moral principles, and cast himself as a fresh face in order to win the Presidency. This was a distinct break in the policy …

Theories of neorealism and neoliberalism

Many theories of international relations were created and developed as solution to have a harmonious international system. They all attempt to explain the role of the state on the international level such as neorealism and constructivism. For a very long time, Neorealism and Neoliberalism were the theories that were preeminent …

Іnternational marketplaces

W.L. Gore has to come to terms with the difficulty in the technical and environmental complexity of the international marketplaces they currently service. Gore must also address the cultural, societal and political differences that exist between these markets. The recommendation would be for Gore to set up geographical departments that …

Economic transformation of Japan

The first opening of Japan in 1854 caused a significant political, economic and social change within Japan that are still visible to this day. The forced opening, lead by the American Commodore Matthew Perry, was a tipping point for the collapse in the Bakufu system and a key factor that …

America's economic growth after World War II

After World War II America’s economy skyrocketed. Industrial expansion grew with the demand of consumer goods. The government spending stimulated the growth of American economy. During this time the electronics industry boomed. Many businesses started to use the first generation of computers. With this increase of demand, employment rose quickly. …

Algeria In The Sahel

There are a lot of natural resources in the Sahel that has led to foreign intervention and rapidly increased the rivalry between the world economic powers across the region. For reasons of long-term security, the Algerian leaderships have encouraged state-building and dialogue as the best way to help The Sahel …

The Rise of Sino-African Relations: Kenya and Zambia as case studies

Introduction Sino-African relations have been on the rise since the turn of the millennium; as a result of their continued interaction has generated Background of the study There is extensive literature that discusses the historied interactions between Africans and the Chinese through the lens of time. Indeed, interactions between China …

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