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Personality Essays

My future job

Nowadays there so many different professions that one can be confused in choosing the perfect one for them. The development of certain branches of science and technology has led to the advancement of new skills. So, the profession that I want to dedicate my life to is a physician. The …

Business Ethics Reflection

People face ethical dilemmas nearly every day in their personal or professional lives. “You can be fairly certain that during the course of your career, you’ll run into myriad ethical problems such as a customer who asks for a special deal or terms in order to make the sale, or …

Communication Differences and Strategies

Communication skills are different among men and women in respect to, and because of, their various occupations and experiences. Women use terms that are more descriptive and take longer to get to the point, while men tend to start with the direct point and fill in as needed. There are …

Personality Theory Notes

1,000- to 1,200-word paper comparing the personality theories of Freud, Jung, Rogers, and Maslow. Outline how each theorist contributed to the study of personality. Identify the features of each theory that differentiate them from the other personality theories. Personality Develops Gradually Can be influenced Can be reinforced Personalities develop over …

Integrity Matters

1. I’d let my guard down and possibly get caught and reported by a nosy co-worker. If that doesn’t happen, I would begin to question whether anyone knows I exist; whether anyone doesn’t know or just doesn’t care about me or the work I do. I’d also consider that maybe …

Integrity Case Study

This semester I was particularly excited to take a composition course because reading and writing has always helped me focus my ideas better, and it requires me to take a closer look at the ideas posed by the writers of our reading material. This Composition course requires more than just …

Chantal Rhodes

Step 1: Evaluate the act using Kant’s categorical imperative 1. State your proposed act as a maxim:”I will take ZAR 620 000 000.00 (A) when I’ve done a year’s work (C) in order to get really, really rich (E).”2. Restate this maxim as a universal law:”All people (7 billion of …

Social Psychology: Attitudes and Persuasion

Someones attitude is their perception of objects of thought, these are things such as social issues, products, and the people around them. There are three parts to your attitude, the cognitive, affective, and behavioral parts . Your cognitive componet is your beliefs about certian objects. The affective part is your …

The Decline of the West

Financial collapses changes the way of living for millions of people all over the world. In the short story “The Decline of the West” written by Hanif Kureishi in 2010, Mike and his family are represented as victims of the 2008 financial crisis (also known as the Global Financial Crisis). …

Filipino Values

POSITIVE VALUES Close Kinship – a Filipino considers family as an important social structure that they must love and care. Close family ties results to the family still being intact regardless that the children are old and with families of their own. Respect for Elders – the use of “po” …

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