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Identity Essays

Social Identity Theory

In social psychology, theories are used as descriptors for various social and/or cognitive phenomena. One such theory is the schemata theory. Schemata are mental constructs that correspond to real world aspects; an example of this is stereotyping. A stereotype is a mental action that is based on physical appearances or …

Is anthropology the Fundamental Discipline concerned with Humans?

Anthropology, according to the literal definition is an academic discipline for the study of human beings (anthro means human beings and logy means to study). It studies human under other biological, cultural, economical, and social layers. It is a study focusing on all the aspects of human beings, i.e., how …

The Gay Marriage Debate: A Misleading Issue?

Abstract The paper examines the parallel development of marriage and gay issues converging on contentious controversy surrounding gay marriage. The author contends that marriage and gay issues are two different things with different histories though converging on the question of human relationships, specifically same sex unions or relationships. The article …

Arguments For Gay Marriage

            Gay marriage is also known as same sex marriage or a marriage between two people of the same sex. In the United States the issue has already become a political thing with a social movement emerging that was meant to fight for their rights.  This started in the 1970s …

The Portrait of Social Class in Daughters of the Vicar

Lawrence manages to isolate the social factors that determine how life is led. This is apparent in the introduction of the Lindley family. Lawrence’s focus is not that of the contemporary political activists, however rather a psychological illusion of social class supremacy, which is often considered a class divided. The …

1950’s Gender Roles

Since the 1950s, American women have emancipated themselves from the norms imposed upon them by a society that was somewhat conservative back then. The image of a typical woman of the 1950’s, and to a certain extent the 1960’s, would depict a proper and prim housewife who performed the typical …

Identity and Culture

Identity and culture are two of the basic building blocks of ethnicity. The word “ethnicity” is used to describe a specific population’s characteristics of fundamental aspects that all humans share. When applied loosely, ethnicity becomes a blanket term to define large populations, undermining the worth and the diversity within that …

Human Sexuality: A Multidisciplinary Perspective

Human sexuality or more specifically, sexual orientation, can be viewed through a multidisciplinary lens. Sexual preference and sexual identity that form a person’s orientation whether homosexual, heterosexual, or bisexual all have as much to do with science such as biology, as social science such as sociology, anthropology, and psychology. Paul …

Personal life

After moving to Maine last summer, I was looking for a summer job. I was given the opportunity to fill in as a stern man for a local lobstermen in Falmouth, Maine. I took the offer without hesitating and was very excited to experience lobster fishing first hand on the …

Same-Sex Marriage Should not be Legalized

  Introduction             Although most people have a strong opinion about marriage, no one seems to be quite sure what marriage exactly is. In modern times, human beings have developed as many ways of living together in a union as they have developed new languages. Different cultures also have very …

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