Arguments For Gay Marriage

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- Word count: 2088
- Category: Gay Gay Marriage Marriage
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Gay marriage is also known as same sex marriage or a marriage between two people of the same sex. In the United States the issue has already become a political thing with a social movement emerging that was meant to fight for their rights. This started in the 1970s but gained momentum in the 1990s. Recently there was a case in court, which was taken by its opponents, who were against the court that was taken by its opponents who were against being legalized in the constitution. This has been a topic of discussion and is still ongoing. Gay marriage has not yet come to be accepted and is seen by many as a social deviance. In this essay my sole interest will be to discuss intensively whether gay marriage should be legalized.
In America today a lot is discussed about same sex marriages that on politics. It is only currently that politics has taken lead but this is because it is election time. Sooner than later things will be back to normal and the usual debate on gay will take charge. According to the Marriage act of 1996 marriage is a legal union between a man and woman as per the federal government. Other marriage that does not fit in this definition is not recognized and as such it is considered as illegal. This decision was backed by other 38 states of America. (Cantor DJ. Et al. 2006) The turn of events came in November 2003 when the supreme court of Massachusetts challenged the 1996; Marriage Act arguing that denying gay marriages a license was a violation to the equal protection provision. This claim was in the following year supported by San Francisco that asserted its acceptance to the issuance of marriage certificates to the gay marriages. (Perkins J. 2004)
In accordance to the states support of gay marriages, hundreds of these marriages were done some thing that made its opponents to boil with rage. In reaction to this, the conservative legislators quickly reaffirmed their stand on outlawing same sex marriage and this made the New York, Washington and Nebraska to reiterate what the 1996 Act of marriage held.
What people fail to understand is that marriage is public a contract and not a private contract. It is an indicator that one has committed their life to the partner and refusing to give certificates to gay marriages was preposterous and a total defiance to respect the public equality. Marriage is an institution that is greatly valued by most cultures so it is not right to deny two people who are in love a marriage certificate. All people in United States should be treated as equals and there should not be any discrimination against the same sex marriages whatsoever. (Clounds J. 2008).
Some people might find solace in sticking to the Marriage Act of 1996 that the only acceptable marriage is, that which is between a man and a woman. People should learn to be free thinkers and it is imprudent to keep our minds closed. This is a very philosophical question and should be addressed nationally that marriage is a bond that not only helps the same sex couple to have children but not to be lonely. It should be understood that perceptions are different and that people have different tastes and belies. People value things differently. The end goal of marriage is not to procreate but to give the couple some satisfaction. Even the so-called marriage act of 1996 provision, it is nowhere indicated that people must bear children, it is ones decision to bear children or not. Is not is not a requirement to the licensing a marriage. When you closely look at the situation the western nations, you note that same marriage is one way of building a stable society. Marriage contracts are commitment and attachments between persons.
According to the Marriage Act of 1996, no marriage between an adult and a minor should be allowed to take place or if one party is unable to meet these minimal conditions. If the other person cannot live up to it, then it is not supposed to be contracted but this is not the case when it comes to gay marriage, gay marriage is a relationship between two adults of the same sex who mutually consent to stay as marriage partners. Everything is out of will. The federal government’s provisions also prohibit marriages between close family members. The government argues that family members have very strong attachment to their families, a condition that cannot let families to survive if there are family disagreements. There is clear evidence that could be used to show that sex relationships between lesbians or between gay does not last long.
Many critics who argue against this marriage argue that same sex marriage partners cannot make sacrifices to their marriage, as it is the case with the legalized ones as it is the case with the heterosexual marriage. (Leigh A. 2008)
Gay marriage is good for the young people who want to engage themselves in relationships with no big mistake future goal thus denial to guide the young ones because if we don’t who will do? Gay marriage either between lesbians or between men has become a consolation to many who are suffering in heterosexual marriages. If these marriages were legalized, the tension that exists between parents and their gay children would be allayed. In fact today everybody is feeling an urge to become gay, it has become a vocation as opposed to a vow.
If it would be accepted, the stigma attached would end and people would feel free to express themselves freely. Gay marriage has taken a back seat when it comes to the acknowledgment of our culture. Its influence should not be ignored for it is everywhere; it is like covering smoke while the fire is still burning. It is being unreasonable to cover smoke while the fire is still burning. It is being unreasonable to say that gay people cannot have children. It should be understood that here the issue of having children or not is not single mothers get their children. Every body has a right to marry whomever they want. I think if gay marriages were legalized there would be reduced number of single households and fatherless children.
On the other hand, the opponents of gay marriage argue that this type of marriage is a threat to heterosexual marriage and that we should not waste our time discussing on it. If it is allowed, then it means that there will be no future generation because society exists because people reproduce. (Gerstamann E. 2004) Same sex partners biologically are not capable of reproducing themselves. In short, the society will at one point come to an end there will be no one to replace the aging employees in their jobs after they retire if we do not produce children? This is a question that should be asked by every one before a decision to become gay is adopted.
Becoming a gay according to its opponents is by no any means to a solution to marriage problems as gay proponents put it. Once you fall in love you are in love and that is it. It does not matter whether it is a gay love or heterosexual love. Whenever two people who are in love separates, they must feel pained, frustrated and disappointed so whether you are a gay or heterosexual o way you can avoid being hurt. A case in point is of a man who confessed how he loved another man. He talks of how he they first met in 1996 during Christmas in a club. His friend called Michael broke the ice and became deeply in love, “That was one of our most reliable stories to tell a friend over a dinner. It never ceased to get the table laughing. Michael and me most of all, but it was preposterous to think we would not have ended up together .We were so happy, our love unshakable” (cloud J. 2003)
These two men never thought that one day they would become separated. They stayed together for seven and a half years. This was when their chemistry stopped working out. He realized that though they were still together, there was no love existed between them or rather their relationship was not as lively and passionate as it was when it was new. Those who argue that gay marriage is different from heterosexual should get to know this. In fact they are the same and your relationship could end at any time just like in heterosexual marriages and there is always a pain of separation. When Michael broke up their relationship, he resulted to doing a lot of exercises just to keep himself busy and suppress those feelings, he cost a lot of weight due to loss of appetite, he become a heavy drinker and started using hard drugs. (Mello M. 2004)
According to the psychologists, gay men and lesbians are very polite, straight, less domineering and less fearful. They treat their partners with utmost care. Researchers have also revealed that gay and lesbians are more humorous than heterosexuals and are more open to discussions. Psychologists conclude that indeed, heterosexual partners have much to learn from gay marriages. For this reason they should not be discriminated.
Opponents of gay marriage claim that their biological parents should raise children and this is only possible in heterosexual relationships as opposed to gay marriages. Children from household that are run by same sex couples receive a lot of homophobia and other students in college and schools ridicule them.
In the United States, gay marriage law exists in Massachusetts, New Hampshire as well as in California. Though these rights have been passed, same sex couples are denied the usage of the term marriage that was passed because one woman was asked about her status when she went to give birth and she was asked whether she was married. Gay marriage violates the biblical teachings because God created Adam and eve or rather, a man and a woman and not two males or women. Why else did he create two men or women? This is also question that needs not to be ignored. Those who advocate for gay marriages according to the opponents are social misfits or deviants and should not be seen as normal human beings. (Leigh A. 2008)
The proponents argue that people who would have never gotten a chance to get married get one. There are benefits that are associated with marriage and some of them are property sharing. Once you are legally established as a legally married partner to somebody, then you are supposed to share your wealth with your partner. It is not the case if you are not married. If gay marriage if legalized, it would give partners an opportunity to jointly own their properties. Refusing to legalize these marriages is an open discrimination to the minority Americans. Its acceptance would change people’s altitude towards gays and lesbians. They are human beings like heterosexuals and for this, they be respected.
The debate about legalizing gay marriages in short is very controversial. The two sides have not yet agreed on whether this law should be passed. Each side tries to justify their case. The proponents argue that gay marriage is not different from heterosexual marriage and as such, should not be treated as something new and socially unacceptable. The only difference is that it is impossible top procreate children. Some states in America have already legalized it but others are yet to do it. These are states such as Massachusset and Oregon but efforts to extend this influence to other states is being made.
Leigh A. 17th March 2008 Gay Couples Say Cull Unions Aren’t Enough: The New York Times.
Clounds J. 2008. Are Gay Relationships Different
Cantor DJ. Et al. 2006. Same Sex Marriage: The Legal And Psychological Evolution In America. Wessey Union
Perkins J. 2004. Defense of Marriage: Does It Need Defending. Nova Science.
Gerstamann E. 2004. Same Sex Marriage and The Constitution. Cambridge Union Press.
Lynn D.W. 2003. Marriage and Same Sex Union: A Debate Praeger
Mello M. 2004. Legalizing Gay Marriage Temple University Press.