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Crucible Essays

Character Analysis Essay: John Proctor

John Proctor, he is a farmer, a husband, and a father. We think of him as a strong formidable figure. In Arthur Miller’s The Crucible, Proctor is portrayed as a man with a strong belief system. He does not feel that he has to change his way of thinking to …

The Relevance of Tolerance and Persecution ''The Crucible'' by Arthur Miller

The Crucible takes place in a very intolerant setting. The Puritans in Salem, Massachusetts uphold a strict theocratic society. In a theocracy, the community is governed by God and the laws revolve around what God says to be right or wrong, meaning people can be punished for sinning. Anyone who …

Reputation of ''The Crucible'' by Arthur Miller

Throughout the play The Crucible, by Arthur Miller, one?s name is a very important motif that is carried out. Reputation is the general estimation in which a person is held by the public, as referred to by dictionary.com. Reputation is very important in Salem because public and private moralities are …

Motivation of "The Crucible" by Arthur Miller

“John Proctor: I’ll tell you what’s walking Salem– vengeance is walking Salem. We are what we always were in Salem, but now the little crazy children are jangling the keys of the kingdom, and common vengeance writes the law! This warrant’s vengeance! I’ll not give my wife to vengeance! (Miller, …

Crucible: Movie vs Book

Many movie directors base their stories on a book, while changing the plot and scenes to fit the taste of the public. For example, in most plays, people look for drama, but not for action since everything is done live on stage. Much of the dialogue in the remains the …

The Crucible : Battle of Good and Evil

Arthur Miller’s 1692 play named The Crucible took place in Salem, Massachusetts. The Crucible is morally about the battle between good and evil in the town of Salem. When you get down to discussing the most eligible persons to be compared for such a position in The Crucible, it all …

"The crucible" by Arthur Miller. Act 4 analysis. "What is your final impression of Proctor?"

At the end of Act four in Arthur Miller’s allegorical tale, ‘The crucible’, the play reaches its final and conclusive climax. John Proctor is forced by his conscience, his reason and the authority to reach a decision. On this decision balances his life, his reputation and his soul. The audience …

"The Crucible" and "To Kill a Mockingbird"

‘The Crucible’ is a play written by Arthur Miller in which he demonstrates the familiarities of the life he lived in the nineteen-fifties. He communicates through his work to the way people are in his society and what people were like in the seventeenth century. However, ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ …

Arthur Miller's "The Crucible" and Tennessee Williams' "Streetcar Named Desire"

Both Arthur Miller’s “The Crucible” and Tennessee Williams’ “Streetcar Named Desire” extract has two characters in each scene. One of them is usually one of the main characters of the stories: Mr. Proctor in the Crucible extract and Blanche DuBois from the scene of Streetcar Named Desire. Both of them …

Comparing Authority Figures in "The Crucible"

In the play, “The Crucible”, by Arthur Miller, there are three main authority figures. Unlike what the Bible teaches on this subject, Reverend Samuel Parris, Reverend John Hale, and Deputy Governor Danforth show their understanding of authority in alternate ways. In the Bible, Peter says, “. . . I may …

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