Crucible Essays

‘The Crucible’, written in the 1950s by playwright Arthur Miller, is a dramatisation of the Salem witch trials of 1962. Miller wrote the play as an allegory of McCarthyism in American during the 1950s. The play explores the notion that a functional society cannot exist without a balance in power. …
Abigail Williams from the play, The Crucible, is a vicious antagonist .She would stop at nothing to attain her demented goals. In another writer’s hands, Abby could have been portrayed in a sympathetic light. After all, she is under age and has been sleeping with a supposedly honorable man thirteen …
In Arthur Millers play, The Crucible, you can easily uncover the effects of three main characters guilt. You can clearly see as the story unfolds that John Proctor, Elizabeth Procter and John Hale all are very much affected by their overwhelming guilt. Each has different causes for their guilty consciences …
In The Crucible, gender plays an important role in how the story comes together. Abigail, the main antagonist in the play, is a young, unmarried woman who is also an orphan. She resents being a servant, the only opportunity offered to a young, unmarried girl. It shows the limited opportunities …
1. What was your reaction to John Proctor’s final choice? At first I was shocked until I realized his reasoning. He probably felt that he found God, and he even confessed to Elizabeth about his cheating. 2. At the end of the play, Elizabeth Proctor says that her husband has …
Pride can be defined positively and negatively, it can mean a sense of one’s own proper dignity or value or self-respect, or an excessively high opinion of oneself or conceit, respectively. In the play which portrays both sides of pride we are transported to the late sixteen hundreds and introduced …
In 1692 in the little town of Salem, Massachusetts tragic events took place that would alter this miniscule town forever (Conforti par. 1). Specifically, the witch trials that spring made it one of the most famous towns in American History. Being accused of witchcraft, many people met their deaths and …
The Brice family was referred to family therapy by a noted child psychiatrist. The psychiatrist was working with the teenage daughter, Claudia, for about 6 months. He felt that she was getting worse alternatively he referred the entire family to therapy. The family was hesitant to participate in family therapy. …
Following behind someone can only lead you to calamity. Would you rather lead your own way or follow someone else’s lead? The best way to be is to follow your own way, because being amenable with trouble will lead you to trouble. Likewise, in Arthur Miller’s play “The Crucible” the …
Evil is the force in nature that governs and gives rise to wickedness and the sin that harms even the holiest of people. In “The Crucible” by Arthur Miller, the nature of evil is revealed through the corruption of reverend Parris which ultimately leads to devastation of society and reverend …
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