Crucible Essays

Revenge is often characterized as getting payback on a person or thing in order to gain self satisfaction. People sometimes go through extreme troubles in order to get revenge. The theme of revenge plays an important part in Arthur Miller’s The Crucible. It directly affects the actions and emotions of …
Static & dynamic characters of The Crucible Dynamic Character In The Crucible by Arthur Miller the character Reverend John Hale was a dynamic character. In the beginning of the Play Hale was a little cocky and thought that he was at a higher status than all the citizens in Salem. …
When comparing and contrasting two works of literature, there seems to be characters that seem to embody what the other is about, personality wise. Yet, characters also have some things which distinguishes them in an individual manner, therefore making them unique. In The Crucible by Arthur Miller and The Scarlet …
Throughout the history of humanity, there are many examples of horrible and completely hideous crimes. While many of the crimes committed were pushed by the desire for power of some persons (mostly men: Adolf Hitler, Pol Pot, Josef Stalin and Idi Amin Dada are good examples), others were realized in …
The decisions made by the character John Proctor, in The Crucible, and by Arthur Dimmesdale, in The Scarlet Letter, were very much alike. Throughout the entirety of both books, the similarities and differences between these two male characters, and the environments in which they lived, seemed to reflect back and …
Greed can be a very destructive part of everyone’s life. It can control our every action at times. Some people let their greed get out of control, which was exactlywhat happened in Salem during the witch trials. Three people’s greed brought up this whole tragedy of the trials, convictions and …
John Proctor of Arthur Miller’s The Crucible, is a highly respected man in Salem. “In Proctor’s presence a fool felt his foolisheness instantly….Proctor respected and even feared in Salem”, the narrator adds (Miller 20). He was a powerful man who disliked hipocrites and the presence of sin. Before the play …
If it were not for the self-seeking nature present in Salem, the infamous witch trials of 1692 would not have taken place. Most villagers were interested in themselves and none other. One such character is Reverend Parris from the historical play The Crucible, which concerns these Salem witch trials. He …
In The Crucible by Arthur Miller, the characters in the play face different problems and accusations that they do not always know how to handle. One theme that sums up the play is the individual trying to destroy anyone who gets in the way of her acceptance in the community. …
Imagine living a life of paranoia, in which you cannot even walk out of the front door without having to peer over your shoulder, wondering if or when you will be struck by an inevitable plague. In 1692, this mere situation was a horrendous reality for the people of Salem, …
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