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Behavior Essays

Public Speaking Phobia

Public speaking phobia is an intense and irrational fear of experiencing judgment by others when speaking in front of public or being embarrassed or humiliated in such situations causing dread, panic, and avoidance (Teachman, 2010). More accurately, it is not the scrutiny and negative judgments themselves but the speaker’s own …

Consumer Behaviour & Reference Group

There are various different influences on whether we buy a product or not and this is called consumer behaviour. Consumer behaviour “is about people, or more accurately, the systematic study of their behaviour patterns in a marketing context” (Keith Williams 1983). Reference groups are a major part of the influential …

Sympathy in Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

The story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde has been read and critiqued for 127 years. One of the most debatable aspects of the story is the identity of the two men, while at the end of the book you can clearly tell the two men share one body, the …

The Betari Box-Linking Attitude and Behavior

The impact of attitude and behavior on each other is a closed loop. © iStockphoto/MikeRickword Natasha’s boss mistrusted her. This wasn’t because she was incompetent – rather, it seemed to be a matter of principle for him. He spent most of the day watching people to make sure they did …

''The Inner Game of Selling'' by Ron Willingham

The Inner Game of Selling by Ron Willingham is a book that takes the idea of selling and looks at it from an entirely different perspective that what most people are used to. In fact the author expresses the idea that most of what is taught in college about how …

Why Do Celebrities Make Bad Role Models?

The truth is that we are obsessed with celebrities. Everywhere you go, celebrities are being advertised. When your son or daughter hears a new singer or sees a new actor on their favourite t.v show, they want to be just like them. Sometimes that is not a good thing. You …

Abraham Maslow: Primate Dominance Behavior

Abraham Maslow was born in United State of America in New York in April first 1908. Since he was from traditional family, and he was the eldest brother he was supposed to take care of his six brothers and sisters. However, his father wanted Abraham to be successful. Therefore, he …

Behaviourists Explain Maladaptive Behaviour

“Behaviourists explain maladaptive behaviour in terms of the learning principles that sustain and maintain it. Discuss this statement and show how a behaviourists approach to therapy is in stark contrast to a psychoanalytic one”. Behaviourism is a school of thought in psychology based on the assumption that learning occurs through …

Common Courtesy and Respect

“When music and courtesy are better understood and appreciated, there will be no war. (Confucius) Most of us belonging to pre-Gen X (people who are 60+ of age) will agree that both young and not-so-young amongst us have become less considerate and more selfish than they used to be few …

Maladaptive Behavior

Maladaptive behavior such as attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is common among children. The diagnosis of ADHD in adults can be more difficult than in children. There are many controversial issues surrounding adult/child (ADHD) which include history, symptoms, treatment, and causes. Historically speaking, ADHD is generally thought to be a childhood …

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