Art Essays

Many paintings have been acclaimed due to various reasons. This article aims to look deeper into the works of art identified as the Merode Altarpiece which was attributed to Robert Campin, who was given the title as the Master of Flémalle and the Holy Trinity painted by Masaccio. Said pieces …
Introduction A popular literature has grown up around Zen in the United States. The Dharma Bums, Zen and the Birds of Appetite, The Secret Power Within and Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance are but a few examples of literature that investigates or incorporates Zen ideas. Zen ideas have …
The posthumous impact of ancient Rome has an unsurpassable influence on the historical background of Elizabethan Theatre. The defining feature of the period is the growth of a modern consciousness, which has another alternative name, ‘Early Modern’. This is not only apparent in the theatre of the late sixteenth and …
The advent of digital has seen the near demise of film in popular photography. With its instant results and ease of getting images into the computer and onto the internet, digital simply offers a lot more flexibility and ease of use for the average photographer. Gone is the need to …
Background – Advertising For more than a decade now, the UK Department of Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) has carried out regular mapping surveys that attempt to quantify the contribution that creative industries make to the country. It recognizes a total of thirteen creative industries, which include “Crafts, Design, advertising, …
The Soft Construction with Boiled Beans 1936 was one of Salvador Dali’s many surrealist creations. In order for us to know the implications it has on Dali and the conclusion we can get for this masterpieces, it is wise to understand the movement Dali was a part of. …
One of Spain’s foremost painters was Greek by origin. Born Domenikos Theotokopoulos in Candia, Crete, El Greco was a painter, designer and engraver who worked actively in Italy and Spain. One of the most original and interesting painters of 16th-century Europe, he transformed the Byzantine style of his early paintings …
Abstract Russian ballet and opera as well as Russian literature in the nineteenth century contributed to the development of other countries’ culture. The end of the nineteenth century was very fruitful for the Russian culture. Leo Tolstoy and Fyodor Dostoevsky made Russian novel famous all around the world. Tchaikovsky, Borodin, …
Introduction The brushstroke technique is one of the principal methods of painting and analyzing a work of art. The amount of paint in the brush, the hand motion and pressure has a direct effect that provides stresses, moods and meanings on the visual look of a painting at the same …
Introduction One of the most customary visual arts along with painting and architecture is sculpture which is the art of creating three dimensional works of art. Unlike painting which is basically two dimensional, sculptures fills space in three dimensions including depth, whereas painting only tries to suggest the presence of …
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